You are Holy. You are Sacred. You are Divinity in form.
Mercury Turns Retrograde in Libra
Sun in Libra, Moon in Aries, Mercury square Pluto, Autumn and Spring Equinox
Full Moon in Pisces
Stand in your power. Rooted in Love.
I am a part of all that is, all that was and all that will be. I am Love.
Letting Go and Remembering the Truth of What We Are
Be the Light. Be Love. Be Joy. Be Compassion.
And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us
New Moon in Virgo
Re-membering...You are We. We are You!
You have within you the power that creates worlds.
Special reminder today, just for YOU!
All is Well. Everything is exactly as it should be!
In the breath, in the stillness, precious and adored.
What does my soul want me most to know?
Full Blue Moon in Aquarius conjunct Jupiter, and our Sun enters Virgo
What does my soul want me most to know?