Our Aries Moon: Show the world the real you!
Gemini Sun conjunct North Node
Mercury Retrograde in Gemini!
Happy Super Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse Day!
Saturn Retrograde: The Promise and Blessing of JOY!
Welcome to Gemini Season!
Our Leo Moon: Move beyond current challenges, take charge and walk your talk!
Our Moon at Home in Cancer: Are Our Foundations Sturdy and Steady?
Jupiter in Pisces: Creative Action and Optimism
New Moon in Taurus: Happy Manifesting!
Venus in Gemini: Get Grounded!
May 5. Welcome to 555 Day! It's going to be magical!
Under Our Aquarius Moon
Our Capricorn Moon: A Time For Healing
Sun conjunct Uranus: Time for Rediscovery, Harmony and Healing
The Wisdom of Pluto Retrograde
Super Full Moon in Scorpio: Focus on the Gift in the Present
Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Venus, Uranus, Mars, Mercury, Scorpio Moon: Major spiritual changes
The Blessings of Our Leo Moon in its First Quarter Phase
Taurus Season is Here!