Meet My Treasure
Yes, this is my beloved Treasure who went home to the Source of all Light and Love on February 16, 2017, after courageously suffering through the pain of arthritis and the toll that it was taking on her body, mind and spirit.
When I looked at Treasure, I saw Joy. It radiated through her eyes and her smile. She taught me about unconditional love, forgiveness, courage, strength, faith, and fortitude.
She has inspired the title for this sacred journey.
Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
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The whole purpose of Finding Treasure:The Journey Home is to be able to bless others with a reading, to find the treasure within, to journey the heart...where we can learn to love ourselves and others unconditionally. That's why I like having Treasure within the heart. Inside, the cross-shape represents a window. It could also signify the struggles we go through to find our way home.
Ooooo! And Treasure is looking up and within, if you consider the inside of the heart to be a window. So cool!
A glorious sunset/sunrise was added to the bottom of the window and the night sky with the moon and stars appearing at the top, gives it another layer of meaning, linking it to astrology and our Sun, Moon and Rising signs. Green, yellow, red and blue symbolize the 4 elements and the native culture and the 4 directions.
Coming home to the the window could represent that we're already there. It could also represent that there's still more to the journey. Ooooo, I like that.
I was reminded of "seek and you will find" and "the eyes are the window to the soul"..."Window to the Soul" We're always on a journey and seeking in one way or another. It's how we grow and come "home".
In astrology, our Rising sign is our Soul.
Amazing how it's all connected! I'm also in awe of how this is all so fascinating. It's amazing how different people will see different things and how something can bring different meanings for people. It's a lot like oracle cards. Colette Baron-Reid gives the meaning for each card in her guide book, but we each interpret the cards according to the situation/moment/experience that we're in. Fascinating.