When we study your natal/birth chart to see how many planets are in each of the Elements, the chart is simply telling us the potential we are born with.
The Elemental Survey is more accurate of where we are right NOW with each of the Elements.
Example: I'm a Leo (Fire Sign) and in my natal chart, I have 4 planets in Fire Signs, 1 planet in Air, 2 planets in Earth, and 3 planets in Water. That's what I came into the world with. My Fire, according to my birth chart, should be strong.
Here are some key words that Debra uses to describe Fire: needs to move energy in athletic ways, enthusiastic, passionate, impulsive, hot temper, inspirational, drama queens and kings, likes to have fun, doesn't like to be bored, colourful and bold, feisty, intuitive, needs to be noticed, leader, craves attention, no "off" button, endless optimist...
As a Leo, I'm supposed to be the Performer, the Clown, the King or Queen, love to have fun, have a creative dramatic flair, be childlike or playful, have fearless courage.
Learning about Fire, though, I don't feel that this Element is strong in me, and it's not.
I learned why...
I did Debra's Elemental Survey, and this was my score...
Water: 9.5, Air: 3.5, Earth: 7.5, Fire: 4.5
Now THAT made sense! And it made sense because that is where I am now and where I've been for most of my life.
Basically what it's saying is that my Water is putting out my Fire.
It's my Fire that I need to learn to cultivate. And I have suggestions of how to do that.
Air is my Missing Element, not because I don't have it, but because I have a lot of it; it's super-strong.
I can help you find your Missing Element.
Once you start cultivating that missing element, watch your life change!
Amazing how this works!