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Oracle Card Reading - Theme for Today - Field of Dreams...Dream big; Dream beautiful; Co-creating wi

Writer's picture: Martina CeveroMartina Cevero

Today we will be doing a 3-card oracle card reading, using Colette Baron-Reid's "The Enchanted Map" card deck.

Before I do any reading, I always pray. This is Spirit's work, not mine, so I ask for guidance, that Spirit will show me what I cannot see, confirm what I know, and help me that I may serve the highest good of all!

Then I determine the subject and type of reading. Today we'll be doing a 3-card reading and each card that is picked has a particular purpose or intention. For today, the first card is our theme; the second card is about action and the third card is possible outcome. And the reading is just for today, a 24 hour period. Remember, the cards are prescriptive, not predictive. This is not fortune telling. We always have the opportunity to freely choose and change any direction in which we may be headed, and we do this with Spirit's guidance.

So to determine our theme, I prayed and asked...

What do we need to know for our theme for today?

and was gifted with...

#21 - Field of Dreams

and it is about "Your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are always engaging the vast field of pure potential."

The guide book says, "This is the perfect time to harness the field of vast potential not yet realized in your life. Great abundance is yours if you're willing to do the work alongside the Gentle Gardener.

Be clear about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. Concentrate on your best life regardless of the temporary outer conditions imposed upon you by the greater world, which has its own story to tell. You have a basket full of seeds that are quite powerful, for your talents are Divinely inspired and will indeed lead to a great harvest to be shared with others.

You will reap what you have sown. Dream big, dream beautiful, take action, and tend to the garden of your life ... and experience the extraordinary."

So, our theme is Field of Dreams...dream big; dream beautiful, co-creating with the Divine.

This theme is so very interesting because today our Sun moves into the dreamy sign of Pisces for the next month. It will be a time of deepened intuition, imagination and sensitivity; a time to make deep, meaningful connections with others.

Being a water sign, Pisces has no natural boundaries, so if you tend to be a people-pleaser and put others first or if you're chronically overextended, underappreciated, and very, very angry, then you may find this a very challenging time. Remember, we are all connected. Pisces energy has a desire for unity, unity with others and with our Higher Self. We are here for a reason. We have a purpose. Astrology and oracle cards are great tools to use to discover our life purpose. Dream big. Co-create with the Divine.

Now, since I chose your first card (for a 3-card reading) and have picked the theme for all of us, I'll give you your action and possible outcome questions, and you can choose the next 2 cards for yourself, so the reading will be personal and specific for you.

Go to Colette Baron-Reid's website at and click on "The Daily Oracle Card Pick". If you're watching this on Facebook, I'll put a link to the website along with 2 questions in the description above this video. Or if you have Colette's physical deck, you can use that too.

Once you have clicked on "The Daily Oracle Card Pick", ask, "What action do I need to take, working alongside the Gentle Gardener, that will bring my field of dreams to life?"

Then click on "The Enchanted Map" and choose a card. The meaning of the card will appear in a description just below the image of the card.

Then ask, "What might be the outcome when I work with the Gentle Gardener to co-create my Field of Dreams?"

Then choose a second card from "The Enchanted Map". The meaning of this card will appear in a description just below its image.

Remember, this is a 3-card reading and I have already given you your first card. So if you're using Colette's website, don't worry about the position that your card appears in or having to choose a third card. Please share the two cards that you are gifted with by posting in the comments below this video. I'd love to hear from you!

My personal cards were...

for my action...

#51 Moonlight which is telling me to trust my intuition to lead me into places that may not seem logical, that my hunches will be right on target, and to resist "second guessing" myself.

and for my possible outcome, I was gifted with ...

#36 Commitment, telling me that partnerships formed at this time are harmonious and powerful. However, I must be conscious of what I'm committing to. I need to be clear about the nature of my commitment and my responsibility to it.

So Spirit is clearly inviting us to dream big, to trust, to co-create with the Divine to fulfill our life purpose and bring these dreams to life. We have been blessed with gifts and talents, hopes and dreams, a call to be of service to others in a way that only we can accomplish. No one else can do the work for us. Will we say "yes" to the invitation?

We may want to ask ourselves...

What Divinely-inspired talents do we have that are meant to be shared with others?

Using our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, how do we envision our best life? What story do we dream of telling?

I have discovered my gift of intuition and being a double Scorpio, I love to delve deep. I pay attention to details. I love to share with others, to be of service, to encourage and support others. I love being the cheerleader! Unity is important to me. My dream is to use oracle cards and astrology to help others discover their life purpose and to live happy, fulfilled lives.

I would be honoured if you would share your dreams, how you envision your best life, in the comments below. Thank you!

If you'd like to choose your own theme for today, just go to Colette's website. Click on "The Daily Oracle Card Pick". Ask your question. Choose one of her card decks and pick three cards. Those cards will represent your card for the day, what else you need to know, and where this is going, and the meaning of your cards will appear underneath each card. You only need to ask the one question at the beginning.

For a bonus for today, you're going to have to work for it. <G>

If 3 people share their readings using Colette's cards within the next 24 hours, I will choose a card from "Postcards from Spirit" and post it in the comments below. I LOVE this deck! Imagine that all those in the invisible world who love us have sent us a postcard. The messages are timely and inspiring! Two weeks ago, one person shared the cards that she was given. This week, let's make it 3!

Just before I go...

To know when I'm going Live on Facebook, be sure to like my Facebook page so that you can find it in your newsfeed and make sure that you have indicated that you would like to receive all notifications. You can also subscribe to my site on Many Chat (

I'll post a link in the description above this video and I'll also include a link to my website at where you can learn more about me, the work that I do, and the readings that I offer.

And, in case you're not aware, I have a special coaching offer right now that is available just for you! Be sure to check it out! I'll post a link to the offer in the description above this video.

And I have a favour to ask...

If there is someone that you know who we can help with today's reading, please be sure to share it with them. We never know the difference that we can make in someone's life by a simple act of kindness.

Thank you so much for listening.

And remember...

We are here to dream a future that has yet to be, one that brings a brighter tomorrow. That is why we are asked to carry hope in our hearts...

Nobody else gets to live our life. We are the artist. Let's paint our picture. Let's dream our own masterpiece into being, working co-creatively with the Divine.

Talk to you soon.




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