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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Wisdom for Today

Our Wisdom for Today...

Today I had to cross a picket line. I'll tell you more about "why" later. <G> I was getting anxious about doing it, so before I left, I decided to pull a card from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of the Oracle" card deck, asking "What do I need to know for my highest good as I prepare to cross this picket line?" and was gifted with...

#7 To the Sea, whose message put simply is "go with the flow". That's how my day started.

Later in the afternoon, I took the time to pray and meditate. This time I asked two questions, using the same card deck.

I asked...

What part of my past story am I still hiding or refusing to acknowledge?

and was gifted with...

#4 Higher Power

What stood out for me from the guide book...

" are more than a person trying to get ahead and make things happen for yourself and others. You have an immortal soul and are gifted with a human life through which a Higher Power can express itself. At this time, you need to be conscious of your connection to Spirit and foster it through prayer and meditation."

Then I asked...

What do I need to do to free myself from the dark?

and was gifted with...

#51 Milk and Honey

which, in part, is about...

""wearing the world as a loose garment," not wanting, yet able to be nourished in ways both tangible and subtle. ... your ego can rest and your soul can illuminate your purpose."

'Tis the season when I can start getting busy again, my days get full, and I sometimes put off my meditation to later in the day, and as it gets later and later, it doesn't happen. I need to continue to foster and strengthen that connection and remember that I don't do this alone. I also need to "wear the world as a loose garment".

I've also found myself getting caught up emotionally in a local strike between a medical clinic, MY medical clinic, and 65 of their female workers who just recently unionized and who have been on strike for the past 5 weeks with the employer refusing to negotiate. After all, it's just 65 women...what do they matter? Note that no men have taken on these jobs! It's one of the oldest and biggest private-for-profit health clinics in our city. And what does it matter that these women are making below or at minimum wage, that part of their benefits were cut, that only 22 out of 65 workers are permanent full-time and the rest of the workers, some with 15 years of service, are still casuals, that they are the lowest paid health clinic staff in our city and province? Makes my blood boil. So last night I sent e-mails to our 2 local members of provincial parliament and to the fellow in charge of the clinic. No replies. Will see what happens.

So today I was put in the awkward and regrettable position of having to cross a picket line in order to have blood work done. I tried to get a scheduled appointment to have the testing done at two other labs, but they had a 3-week waiting list!!!!

I hate crossing picket lines! I have been there and know what it's like.

Taking the time to center myself and ask for guidance before I went, helped me tremendously. "To the Sea" ... So in an attempt to go with the flow, I brought the women some coffee, went early so that we could chat for a bit, listened to their stories, tried to show my support, and remembered to breathe. And this experience reminded of my old triggers... that I need to let go of trying to control things, to take care of things, to change things, trying to make things "right", and leave things in God's hands. It was an important reminder for me.

And just as I was coming to these realizations, a little poster just happened to cross my newsfeed on Facebook. It said, "Today I pray and have faith that things will get better. If things don't work out the way I think they should, I pray that they work out for the best, one way or the otter," and there was a cute picture of an otter that went with it. Just what I needed to hear and just when I needed to hear it. Divine appropriate timing. <G> Gotta love it!

So that's the nugget of wisdom that I learned today. I hope that it may be of some help for you.

If I can be of service to you, and you would like an oracle card or astrology reading, please contact me at for details.

Have a wonderful weekend! Wishing all Moms and all those who may be like a Mom for you, a very happy Mother's Day. May you and yours be abundantly blessed!

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