Wisdom for today...
A Leg Up, #34
Essential meanings: receiving help; delegating authority; interdependence.
The Oracle's message: You've come to a point where going it alone is no longer optimal for you. Life has a way of presenting you with the perfect people to align with who can give you a leg up during this next phase of your journey. Help comes to you in all the areas of your life where you need a boost. The trick is to accept that aid so freely given. When you embrace interdependence, allowing teamwork and independence to commingle, miracles happen. Now is such a time.
Relationship message: Relationships that are healthy thrive on interdependence. It's important to recognize that you need others as much as they need you. You must allow people to support you, just as you are there for them. This is a time to be vulnerable, to speak up about your needs, and to ask for them to be fulfilled. Trust. You will be met with kindness and love. Don't expect others to read your mind, though. Ask and it is given.
from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of the Oracle" card deck
What do you need to know today for your highest good? Let's see what Spirit has to say. Ask me for a reading.