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  • Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Full Moon in Gemini

We welcome the Full Moon in Gemini on November 23, 2018, at 12:40 AM EST.

Directly opposite the Sun in Sagittarius, this Gemini Full Moon is about duality (light and shadow) and communication. Gemini encourages us to think logically. Sagittarius invites us to think with a broader perspective, looking for meaning and ideas that expand upon the here and now. Gemini is quite comfortable at home; Sagittarius wants to venture out and beyond.

This Full Moon in Gemini illuminates the feelings, thoughts, ideas that have been building within us, inviting us to express ourselves. As Cafe Astrology says, this Gemini Full Moon is "curious and hungry for ideas and information. It can bring sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent “need to know,” to get an important message across, to finish a communications project, or to make an announcement. Travel and communications are in sharp focus." However, remember Mercury is in retrograde. We need to exercise extra caution and care. Think before we speak. Mean what we say; say what we mean and don't say it mean.

Since Gemini is an Air sign, it's easy to get caught up in our thoughts, thinking that we or others are all "good" or all "bad". Gemini calls us to accept the duality in ourselves and others, to see the light and the shadow, to learn to observe our thoughts rather than reacting to them blindly, to know that there is often more to what meets the eye or to what we may think. Stay calm. Stay curious. Ask for more information. Gain greater understanding. This will help to avoid drama, conflict and misunderstandings.

Wishing you and yours a blessed Full Moon in Gemini.

Looking for direction? Needing to see yourself with new eyes, to see yourself as our Creator sees you? Let's explore your birth chart. The Heavens are telling the glory of God and the Heavens are telling the glory of YOU at the moment of your birth.

Let's take a look, shall we?

Ask me for a reading.

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