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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Energy Forecast for the Week of April 30, 2023: NO! (Uh-oh! An Eclipse is Coming!)

Updated: May 7, 2023

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our energy forecast for the week ahead.

What do Spirit, our angels, guides, and light workers want us to know for our highest good for the week ahead?

From Kyle Gray’sThe Angel Guide Oracle”, we are gifted with NO!.

From the guide book…




Your angels are drawing close at this time to help you recognize that the answer to the question on your mind is no. This is not the time to proceed. You may want to, but you are being encouraged to see beyond the current situation and understand that following through on your ideas may have a negative effect on the whole course of your life. Angels are swooping in because they want to save the day and save you a lot of heartache from a choice that is not heart‐centered.


If you are feeling upset or annoyed by this guidance, this is okay. You are allowed to have an emotional response, but in truth there will be a part of you that already knows that what you are considering isn’t the best use of your energy.




Do not make plans. Do not move forward. Retreat and reflect. Think deeply. Seek the advice of those you love and trust and ask them to help you get to the bottom of the question or issue or decision that is before you. Do not make any sudden moves. This card is coming in to help you sustain your mental, emotional, and spiritual energy, and stay on the road to wholeness.



This is interesting, especially with all that has happened in the last few weeks.

With the powerful events of the New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Aries, the Sun entering Taurus, Mercury Retrograde in Taurus, and the Sun Conjunct North Node in Taurus, we will be dealing with these powerful energies in the coming weeks and months. And considering what is coming up in the week ahead, this message is timely and wise.


It's an invitation to slow down, go within, retreat, reflect, listen, and to not make sudden moves or choices. Turn to our trusted sources, both earthly and heavenly, and follow our heart.


Not wanting to face our demons? Loss, disappointment or hardship may become our teachers, showing us what we need to let go of or change. Transformation is never easy just ask any caterpillar. It's time to trust in the loving beneficence of our Higher Power. Our time as a caterpillar has expired. Our wings are ready to fly.


This coming week brings two major events that we should be aware of.

May 1 – Pluto turns retrograde in Aquarius at 1:08 p.m. EDT

Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, turns retrograde on May 1 and will continue in this direction until October 10. With Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, this is an excellent time to explore, dig deep and be that truth seeker that we are being called to be.

Aquarius is the revolutionary. It’s about hopes and dreams, friends and wishes, humanitarianism. Its ruling planet, Uranus, is the Rebel. Uranus is about change, disruption, the unconventional and the unexpected.

As we approach the Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, a time of endings and completions, this is a very powerful time to manifest our dreams for our future. Aquarius calls us to celebrate our differences, our unity and oneness. It calls us to find a better way of doing things for the benefit of all.

Aquarius energy gives us permission to be able to break free of limitations forced upon us by society, our culture and even by ourselves. We've made it through turbulent waters, the right of passage, and now we can do our own thing. We don't need to follow everyone else's rules. It's about living by our own rules. We are the captain of our ship.

With Pluto retrograde, this is a time to turn inward and look at power and control in our own life. How do we use our power? Where have we been too controlling or manipulative of others or situations? Which of our controlling habits, compulsions, addictions or prejudices need to be eliminated? It's time to take responsibility, face our destructive behaviours, and let them go...out of love for ourselves and others.

With Pluto retrograde in Aquarius, we look to the future with a brand new, positive, hopeful vision. We extend a helping hand, and develop more objectivity, detaching from past hurts and feelings that may be weighing us down.


May 5 - Scorpio Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 1:34 p.m. EDT

Full Moons reveal all that is hidden, and bring to light all the emotions and intuitive awareness that is buried deep within us. Scorpio is a sign that is inherently psychic and yet tends to keep things hidden and beneath the surface. This Full Moon in Scorpio invites us to dig deep, to go within, to listen to our heart and soul, to feel the feelings we may have been ignoring, the thoughts that we have been pushing aside.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a time of soul-searching, introspection, intuition, and transformation. If you feel uncomfortable about something, you most likely have intuition that you have been ignoring. Pay attention! The answers are always within you!

Now add a Lunar Eclipse into the mix and wow, the Heavens are indeed demanding that we pay attention! Lunar eclipses are about relationships with others and with ourselves, inviting us to look at our needs, lacks, and wants.

We must be careful not to get caught up in our shadow, in being selfish, envious or resentful, or to rush to quick decisions because there's something that we may want right now.

In a lunar eclipse, Earth's shadow falls on the moon. With a penumbral lunar eclipse, the moon only passes through the outer part of the shadow – the penumbra. Though the energies of this eclipse may be subtle, they can still be powerful, and bring endings, completions, and transformation.

In Scorpio, we experience emotions with great depth and intensity. Scorpio goes deep to confront hidden fears, wounds, desires, to uncover the longings of the soul. In Scorpio, we can gain depth, empathy, and intensity, and become agents of change. That's the high road of Scorpio.

The low road of Scorpio is compulsive, conniving, controlling, destructive, explosive, obsessed, spiteful. The choice truly is ours to make.

Our Scorpio Moon invites us to have courage, to embrace our truth, to be open to transformation. With Moon in Scorpio, intense emotions can come to the surface. We may feel very vulnerable, and want to withdraw. We may also find our intuition to be strong. Feelings that are normally hidden could erupt at any time. Scorpio Moon encourages us to ask the hard questions, to risk conflict or rejection, to be true to ourselves and get to the truth. This is an opportune time to dig deep into our emotional depths, to feel and express those deep feelings.

With our Sun in Taurus and our Moon in Scorpio, we may be feeling the conflict between these two energies. We are being invited to find the balance between Taurus “I Have”, and Scorpio “I Desire”.

Taurus is about material possessions, personal values, safety and security.

Scorpio is about “we”, sharing what we have, change, and transformation.

With Taurus being a Fixed Earth sign and Scorpio being a Fixed Water sign, both are very stubborn and steadfast. The struggle is real.

Throughout all of this, we are being called to be our best selves, to let the spark of the Divine in us shine brightly for all to see. And, I won't lie. Transformation isn't easy. Looking at our fears, our prejudices, our weaknesses, our shortcomings, even admitting that we have them, is never easy. Our shame, our self-hatred, our fear can hold us back. But now is the let go; to let whatever isn't working in our lives to die; to break down the walls that we may have built to protect ourselves from pain, from loss. Don't be afraid.

Uranus will be playing a part in all of this too as it will be travelling close to our Taurus Sun and be opposite our Scorpio Moon. Uranus can really shake things up in our lives. Change. Rebellion. Revolution. Death. Rebirth. Transformation. Uranus invites us to fall in love with ourselves. We'll find beauty in the shadow. Named for the god of Heaven, husband of Gaia the Earth, Uranus has a strong love for us, the Earth, holding up a mirror in which beauty and perfection are reflected, showing us what we can be, the best in us. We are perfect, just as we are, including our shadow.

What are we struggling to let go of and being called to embrace? This Full Moon Lunar Eclipse is about the quest...for meaning, for joy, and challenging our deepest beliefs. May we be open to the opportunities and abundance that awaits!

Don't be afraid! Have courage!

We do not walk alone and we don’t have to do things all by ourselves. Ask for help. Call upon Spirit, our angels, guides and lightworkers, our family, friends, a colleague, a counsellor, doctor, a therapist. It is important to take good care of ourselves. WE are the present that the world needs.

This is a time to slow down, to really listen to our heart and soul. It's a time to pay attention to our thoughts, to let go of any limiting beliefs, to think before we act. Let us be open to the guidance and direction of our Higher Power. Remember, we are co-creators with Spirit. We are divinely supported, guided and protected.

Do you need clarity or are you seeking Spirit's wisdom or guidance in some area of your life? Let’s see what Spirit has to say. Book a reading with me or sign up for my Infinite Possibilities coaching. My most popular oracle card reading right now is the "Life Path Spread". I would be most honoured and happy to be of service to you.



I am Martina Cevero, oracle card reader, astrologer, certified Infinite Possibilities coach, and Founder and Creator of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home.

Welcome to my website! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

Be sure to explore my website. It's easy to navigate, and to find, schedule, and pay for services with just the click of a button. You're also able to book a free consultation with me.

Happy exploring!




Mentioned in video:


Life Path Spread:

Infinite Possibilities Coaching:

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From my “Getting to Know Me” playlist:



Becoming the Real You

Finding Your True North the Journey Home

I’m Feeling Uncomfortable in My Own Body

Wisdom: It IS Safe for Me to Grow Up

Gratitude for the Challenges in My Life

Gratitude for People who have taught us life lessons



- Additional LINKS –

Upbeat/inspiring music to raise our spirits:

Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake

This is Me – The Greatest Showman


See more on my “Upbeat and/or Inspiring Music” Playlist…



If you would like to support the work that I do, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you for your love, support, kindness, and generosity.

Wishing you and yours abundant blessings!

Have a wonderful week ahead.


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