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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Energy Forecast for the Week of August 27, 2023: Stag Spirit! (GO DEEP! DREAM BIG!) #PickACard!

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our energy forecast for the week ahead.

What empowering message do Spirit, our angels, guides and light workers want us to know for our highest good for the week ahead?

From Denise Linn’s The Sacred Forest Oracle card deck, we are gifted with 39 – Stag Spirit – LEADERSHIP.

From the guide book…


A majestic stag stands atop a mossy knoll. His nobility and grace are palpable. You can see fog form around his nostrils with his every exhalation. He does not need to announce his might. Simply and utterly, he is powerful without words or proclamation.


In many traditions, the elusive and mysterious white stag is considered king of the forest. With his noble antlers and his proud stance, he carries a commanding energy. This card is calling you to claim leadership of your life. Now is the time to step out of the shadows and become a beacon for others. Don’t allow anyone or anything to dim your light.


You may be asked to take on a position of authority. Even if you have been in the background in the past, this is your time to step up and shine. Remember that a leader isn’t necessarily defined by age, status, or income. A true leader is someone who is commanding, passionate, and motivating. They have a vision and are able to make decisions with clarity and strength.


The greatest leaders are those who know how to serve and act as stepping-stones for others to reach their dreams. You empower others simply by being who you are … and who you are is enough. Are you willing to step into the light and be a leader for others?


In European folklore, a white stag signifies extraordinary adventures. In others, the stag is a faerie-beast that represents a quest for spiritual wisdom. These themes may appear in your life in the near future.


The Spirit of the Stag says: You inspire others to greater heights. Step into leadership in your life. You are a beacon for others. Shine in your own life. Be gentle with yourself and others; however, do not play small. Take action. This is your time. Step up.



What a beautiful message for us! This is a time to let go of any limiting beliefs that we may be placing on ourselves. Let them go! Remember, we already have everything we need. We are being called to be true to ourselves, to recognize, treasure and celebrate the Divine within us, the Power within us, and to shine our light brightly for all to see.


Our world needs US and the gifts that we have to share, gifts that only we can give. See the light in all. Be the light in someone else's darkness, guiding them Home. Be Hope. Be Compassion. Be Forgiveness. Be Understanding. Be the Love that world needs right now, wherever we may be. Let Spirit be our guide. Trust Spirit. We are divinely guided and divinely protected.


It is from our heart center that we will have the clarity, the confidence, the knowing of who we are, co-creators with Spirit. Then we are able to take action from that peaceful center, saying with confidence, "We've got this!" We know we walk with Spirit as our guide, our protector, our inspiration.


This empowering message from Stag Spirit was for anyone who happens to read or listen to it. Now, let’s make this more personal. I invite you to tune into your intuition. Let go of all worries and distractions, just for this short time. Hand on heart, breathe slowly and deeply, and take a look at these 3 cards. Which one is calling to you?

Ask yourself, “What message, what wisdom, does Spirit have for me for the week ahead?”

Do you feel called to card #1?

Or does your intuition say YES, it’s card #2?

Or does your intuition say nope, it’s card #3?

I will describe each card at the end of our energy forecast.


Let’s take a look at what is happening in the Heavens in the week ahead.

Mars is the planet of energy and assertiveness. It can be war-like, aggressive, angry, bold, courageous, energizing, feisty, a fighter, impatient.

It is an energy that likes to break, separate from, to pioneer, to defend, protect; to assert, to get fired up, to be impulsive. It rules our sex drive, our fierceness, our passion.

Its purpose is to embolden, to inspire courage and action. Mars inspires us to let go of fear, take that leap of faith; express our true self; be seen; and to listen to our heart and soul, not our head.

Libra is active, artistic, easygoing, peace-loving, gentle. It values beauty and unity, cooperation and friendship. It is diplomatic, tactful, considerate, discerning. Libra is the peacemaker.


Libra's motto is "I/We Balance". It is all about partnerships and all that entails ... compromising, balancing, negotiating, cooperating. The challenge is to work with, to create interdependence. In Libra, we tend to solve problems through compromise and diplomacy, and we are more able to put aside our own emotions in order to achieve the peace and reconciliation that we long for. Decisions do not come easily as we tend to see both sides to any given situation and we may also fear losing the approval of others. Let's not be afraid to reach out to that special someone to nurture our need to belong, to be seen, and to feel that we matter. Indeed, each of us has a purpose and it's something that only we can give. Our presence is needed. We are the present that this world needs.


Mars in Libra encourages us to find balance in our lives. Is our current situation (work, home, relationships) one that nourishes us, gives us life? With Mars in Libra, we may also feel more passionate about concerns related to justice, peace, fairness, tolerance, freedom, equality, unity.

August 28 – Uranus turns retrograde in Taurus at 10:39 p.m. EDT

Uranus: Planet of Change, Originality, Unpredictability, Freedom and Non-Conformity

Taurus: Practical, Slow and Steady, Mother Earth

Retrograde: Enjoy the time spent here and make the most of it. We'll be here for about 5 months, until January 27, 2024.

Uranus is the planet of liberation that seeks freedom from the past. Taurus represents values, routines, possessions, and money. Let us use this time to reconsider what old “stuff” we really need and let the rest go

Moving forward when Uranus is in retrograde? Yes! Letting go of what we no longer need, we are free to move forward in faith, with optimism and hope and so much JOY, knowing that we are so so loved. It's important to remain centered in the here and now and to really drop into our heart space. To listen to the wisdom and love of our heart. Co-creating! With Spirit. With our angels and spirit guides and loved ones in Spirit. What a glorious time this will be! Working together with our spiritual team, may we co-create joyous experiences and opportunities for ourselves and those whose lives we touch. Enjoy the energies!

Under this Pisces Full Blue Moon, we will have Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto all in retrograde (Chiron too). Definitely a time to slow down, rest, reset, renew, restore, reorganize, repair, review, revisit, reflect, re-evaluate, re-do, reprioritize, relax… You get the picture. <G>

It’s called a "Blue Moon" because this is the second full moon that we’ve had in August.

Our Sun is in Virgo, a sign of order, day-to-day activities and routines, physical health, particularly the digestive system. Our Moon is in Pisces, the sign of healing, closure and release, compassion, self-less love, dreams and spiritual rebirth.

This opposition calls us to find a balance between these two parts of ourselves. Is there something in our day-to-day lives that we have found difficult to "digest"? Is our current situation (work, home, relationships) one that nourishes us, gives us life?

If not, perhaps with this Full Moon we are being called to make some changes in our life, to let go of repetitive thoughts, over-thinking, worries, and fears of the future. It's a time to see ourselves from a more loving, objective point of view and do what is necessary to take better care of ourselves and choose life. Let us seek out the support that we may need (friend, counsellor, mentor, employer, doctor, rehab) whether it be emotional, spiritual or physical. Now is the time!

And with the Sun in Virgo, this is the perfect combination to make our dreams come true. Pisces dreams up the ideas and the ever-diligent Virgo always figures out a way to bring them to life. So let’s use this Pisces Full moon energy and dream BIG!

Pisces, the Sign of the Mystic, the Dreamer, the Poet, the Idealist, is inviting us to go deep, to get in touch with the dreams that are deep within; and Virgo, the Sign of Sacred Service, Physical Health, the Need for Order, and Day-to-Day Routines, will help ground those dreams and bring them to life.

Along with Uranus (Planet of Change, Originality, Unpredictability, Freedom, and Non-Conformity) and Jupiter (Planet of Good Luck, Optimism, Success and Generosity) in Taurus (Practical, Slow and Steady, Mother Earth); Mercury (Planet of the Mind, Intellect, Communication, Logic, Reason, Transportation, and Travel) and our Sun in Virgo; and Saturn (Planet of Life Lessons, Discipline, Goals, Hard work) in Capricorn (Achievement, Success, Duties, Responsibilities, Tenacity, Resourcefulness, Discipline, Wisdom, Constancy), there is a lot of Earth energy in the heavens, grounding us and helping us to move forward and create anew, and to manifest those dreams.

So go deep, dream big, and with Spirit and all these Heavenly energies, bring these dreams to life!


Working with this dreamy, intuitive Pisces Full Moon, let us listen to our heart, and using the creative, imaginative energies, envision the infinite possibilities that are available to us and others as this watery Moon gifts us with the opportunity to be sensitive to others and serve with kindness. We know we walk with Spirit as our guide, our protector, our inspiration.

Working in partnership with these heavenly energies, may we face any of our fears or limiting beliefs head on, and together with Spirit by our side, unearth the Divine Light and power within, discovering the beauty and truth of who we are, children of the Divine.


Brene Brown says, "Owning our story can be hard but not as nearly as difficult as spending our lives running from it. Embracing our vulnerabilities is risky but not nearly as dangerous as giving up on love and belonging and joy - the experiences that make us the most vulnerable. Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light."


Amen! A’ho! And so it is.



Now let’s gather our energies and come back to our heart. Let’s find out about the card that you intuitively chose, asking yourself, “What message, what wisdom, does Spirit have for me for the week ahead?” Was it card #1? Was it card #2? Or was it card #3?


Card #1 is from Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle card deck.


6 – Not For You

Essential meanings: A clear knowing that something is being denied you; "rejection is God's protection."


The Oracle's message: There are times when it appears that no matter how deeply you desire something, no matter how hard you work at something, the result you seek always seems to elude you. It's as if you don't really get to be in the game, and you feel you're just watching from the sidelines. The appearance of this card indicates that you are not going to attain what you want right now - that, indeed, your dreams for that exact thing will not be fulfilled. This is a time to radically accept that not everything is available to you when you want it. Take heart, for there are benevolent forces who desire the best for you and have a much clearer idea of what is for your highest good. Rejection is God's protection. Something much better that will make you truly happy is on its way! Trust this.


Relationship message: Some relationships carry an innate seed of failure in them that is obvious from the beginning, but the red flags escape your observation or you refuse to acknowledge them. When a relationship is not meant to be, it is not possible to make it be. Rejection is a sign that you're being protected by the Divine. If you are the one who must reject another, remember that you do so for both your sakes. For every pot there is a lid. This one may not be the best fit.


Prosperity message: You can strategize and project and systemize and invest all your time and energy, but sometimes your best laid plans seem to go awry in spite of it all. Keep in mind that no effort is wasted. Fail fast and learn from defeat. Then keep going. You will eventually succeed, although perhaps not at this game, not at this time. Know when to fold your cards.



Card #2 is from Kyle Gray’s Keepers of the Light oracle deck…oracle card deck.


White Eagle – Ancestor Spirit

Connect to your lineage. A family wound or pattern can be healed now.



White Eagle is a Native American shaman who is dedicated to honouring our spiritual heritage. He is a world-renowned spiritual guide who has been particularly cherished by mediums all over the world. He first spoke through a medium called Grace Cooke in the early 20th century. He is the guide who helps create clear channels in our bloodline and our spiritual lineage so we can access the heart of the Creator. He also helps us move into sacred ceremony, where we can hold sacred space to honour a change, transition, celebration, or anything else that deserves time. He is wonderful for clearing space and we can call on him for help in forging spiritual connections.


Extended Message:

Take some time to honour just how far you have come. Recognizing through ceremony and ritual the shifts in your awareness, healing and journey really allows you to move into a state of grace and gratitude. You have or have recently had an opportunity to heal an old family wound or pattern. It's important to connect with your family in spirit so that you can set a new energy of love in place. White Eagle is bringing your ancestors through to you and allowing you to know that they are happy and well. He is sounding his sacred drums to clear your spirit. *


Card #3 is from Meggan Watterson’s The Divine Feminine Oracle card deck. And we are gifted with…


White Buffalo Calf Woman – The Prophetess of the Sacred Way

My heart is a compass. The path of love is true abundance.


Who She Is:

White Buffalo Calf Woman represents the sacred vision that gives us hope that all will be provided for us. Ptesan-Wi (tesan wee), or White Buffalo Calf Woman, is the primary cultural prophet of the Lakota religion. Buffalo are considered sacred to the Plains people and are seen as messengers from the ancestors.

A Lakota legend says that two young scouts were out in search of food during a famine. They saw a stunningly beautiful woman appear before them in a radiant white light. The first scout approached her with unholy intentions. And the second scout watched as the first man turned to bones the instant he tried to touch her. She was clearly lila wakan(lee-lah wah-kahn), very holy. Thankfully, he knew this.

She asked him to approach her, because she could see into his heart and knew his intentions were good. She told him to prepare for her arrival in the village. He went back and gathered everyone together. She appeared before them and taught them the seven sacred rites of the Lakota people. Including the sacred pipe ceremony that binds men and women together in a circle of love and mutual respect.


When Your Soul Selects Her Card:

White Buffalo Calf Woman is a sacred reminder that we don’t have to struggle to receive all that we’ve desired. When we join our heart’s longing with action, we find that there’s a sacred way to move through the world. This sacred way is a path of steady, quiet alignment between the heart’s intention and our every step.

White Buffalo Calf Woman is an omen of hope that all will be provided for us when we approach each situation with love. What she wants us to focus on is the intention behind an action because that changes the outcome. She’s a sacred, prophetic sign that we can receive what we need without fighting for it or trying to secure it through manipulation.

When prayer joins right action, when we move from that intention of creating only more love, then abundance is inevitable. And when we seek not just for ourselves, but also for the benefit of our loved ones and community, our needs are divinely met. The most sacred path is the one abundant with love.


Soul-Voice Meditation: What is my intention for the work I am currently doing?


Intention: My heart is a compass. The path of love is true abundance.



May these interpretations be a guide. Allow understanding to unfold within you. Honour your individual wisdom from within over the coming week, as you open yourself to the message of the card that you have picked. Stay open and curious, and listen to the still, small voice from within that you can always rely upon. Trust Spirit!



Wow! Such beautiful, powerful messages!



No matter where we are on our life’s journey, Spirit/God/our Creator/the Universe is always with us, loves us dearly, and only wants the best for us. We are Divinely guided and protected.

Finding the treasure in the challenges... That's what I try to do and I can help you do it too.

I would be most honoured and happy to be of service to you.


I am Martina Cevero, oracle card reader, astrologer, certified Infinite Possibilities coach, and Founder and Creator of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home.

Welcome to my website! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

Be sure to explore my website. It's easy to navigate, and to find, schedule, and pay for services with just the click of a button. You're also able to book a free consultation with me.

Happy exploring!




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From my “Getting to Know Me” playlist:


Becoming the Real You

Finding Your True North the Journey Home

I’m Feeling Uncomfortable in My Own Body

Wisdom: It IS Safe for Me to Grow Up

Gratitude for the Challenges in My Life

Gratitude for People who have taught us life lessons



- Additional LINKS –

Upbeat/inspiring music to raise our spirits:

Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake

This is Me – The Greatest Showman


See more on my “Upbeat and/or Inspiring Music” Playlist…



If you would like to support the work that I do, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you for your love, support, kindness, and generosity.

Sending you so much love. I send you more than enough. May you be blessed with everything you need and so much more.

Have a wonderful week ahead.



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