Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our energy forecast for the week ahead.
I am so grateful that you are here. Welcome to my website!
In case no one has told you today, you are beautiful. Just the way you are. You are precious and adored and loved beyond all measure. You are valued. You are worthy. You are needed. You are stronger than you think. You are here for a reason. You are going to get through any challenges that you may be facing. Don’t give up before the miracle happens. You are not alone. You are safe and you are protected. And did I mention, I’m so happy you are here. I hope you will stay for awhile. Slow down. Take time to breathe. Put your feet up. Relax. Take this time for yourself. You are worth it. This time together is for YOU. Love gathers here and you are always welcome. And I hope that you will return.
Today I am here with the energy forecast for the week of December 3 – December 9.
If you are looking for information on what is going on in the Heavens, I have created a list of some of the astrologers that I follow and put it below, along with a link to one of their social media platforms. Many of them post on more than one platform…Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube, and have their own websites. A simple search and you will find them. But even simpler, I invite you to follow me on Facebook and Instagram, where I will continue to share their posts on my pages so you will find their information there as well…a one-stop shop so to speak.
So now, let us ask Spirit, God, the Universe, Yahweh, Source, Creator, Allah, Brahma, Jehovah, our Higher Power,
“What empowering message do Spirit, our angels, guides and light workers want us to know for our highest good for the week ahead?”
From Angi Sullins’ Tree Keepers Oracle card deck, we are gifted with 35 – Keeper of the Invisibles.

From the guide book…
Whether you believe in mythic creatures, guardian angels or spirit guides, you do have forces moving on your behalf. They guard and guide your soul journey. If you are aware of them, now is the time to contact them. Inquire. Investigate. Ask for their help. If you don’t yet know who they are, suspend your disbelief. Call and conjure them in the quiet spaces. Compel them to come to your aid by confessing your belief in them. Unseen forces thrive on belief and expand in your presence. Whether in relaxation, prayer, meditation, dream work or active imagination, invite the invisibles to engage with you.
Yes! We need to invite the invisibles to engage with us, to help us. We need to ask for help. And if we go through periods of doubt or disbelief or lack of trust or hesitation or reluctance, as we all do, act as if.
May we listen to our heart and soul, and let Spirit be our guide. Dream big! Take the steps towards our dreams and goals and leave the rest in God's hands. Don't worry about the dreaded HOWS. As Mike Dooley says, "Playing make believe is the fastest way to believing, and believing is the fastest way to receiving. By behaving as if your dream has already come true, you powerfully impact your thought processes and ultimately your belief system. Whatever it is you want today, to the degree that it’s possible and feasible, act as if it’s already in your life.”
Dig deep. May we embrace our feelings and ask for what we really want. Let us listen to OUR heart and soul, and ACT to make OUR dreams come true.
May the Love, abundance, wealth, peace, joy, all the blessings that are truly ours, may we receive them with an open mind, open hands and an open heart.
Let us pray for all those for whom gratitude and hope and faith and trust are just not possible at this time. We are with you. We are One.
Amen! A’ho! And so it is!
This empowering message from Keeper of the Invisibles was for anyone who happens to read or listen to it. Now, let’s make this more personal. I invite you to tune into your intuition. Let go of all worries and distractions, just for this short time.
Let’s gather our energies and come back to our heart. Hand on heart, breathe slowly and deeply, and take a look at these 3 cards. Which one is calling to you?
Ask yourself, “What message, what wisdom, does Spirit have for me for the week ahead?”
Do you feel called to card #1?

Or does your intuition say Yes, it’s card #2?

Or does your intuition say nope, it’s card #3?

Card #1 is from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Good Tarot card deck.
5 - Hierophant

Essential meaning: Spiritual Practice
When this card appears, it reminds me to be committed to a spiritual practice to ensure a conscious contact to my higher power. When I have a daily practice of prayer and meditation steeped in gratitude and committed to being a co-creator, life works out in wondrous ways. Rituals are in my highest good at this time. Exchanging vows is also highlighted.
Card #2 is from Kyle Gray’s The Angel Guide Oracle card deck.
Ask and Receive

YOUR MESSAGE Ask and you shall receive. Your angel guide wants you to know that help is available. You are being encouraged to shift your perceptions and recognize that even in the most difficult of circumstances, a miracle is possible. Whatever miracle you need, it is available to you now. Your angel guide is encouraging you to recognize that you may have been blocking support by saying no to the things you wanted to say yes to, and is asking you to change that now. When you begin to say yes to the experiences that light you up, you usher increased levels of support into your life. EXTENDED MESSAGE You may feel that your prayers aren’t being heard, but this isn’t true. Angels have heard you and are suggesting you take time to assess where in your work or relationships you may be creating barriers to success. When you are open to seeing and doing things differently, you will experience the answers and miracles you need. You are being encouraged to pray from a space of gratitude now. When you focus on what you are grateful for, you align your energy with the miraculous. Heaven is encouraging you to welcome support in all areas of your life.
Card #3 is from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Enchanted Map oracle card deck.
1 – Bone Collector

Essential meaning: "You are whole and have everything you need within."
When the Bone Collector appears, she is asking you to look closely at your circumstances to see if you're fully present or reacting out of past conditioning and unconscious expectations. Whenever we're wounded, especially when we're young, it's as if something essential is stolen from us. We adapt and accept a particular version of the truth that then sets us up to behave a certain way in the future when faced with a situation that reminds us of the original event. What we know about ourselves thus becomes influenced by a perception of limitation.
You may feel unworthy or without courage; you may see yourself as flawed or unlovable, or expect to be criticized. No matter what your question, the Bone Collector reminds you that the truth is that you are a powerful being with limitless possibilities. She has kept safe what was stolen from you in the wounding, and is here for you as you reclaim it now. You have everything you believe you lack, and the Bone Collector is your inner resource. Act as if you have what you need and you'll find you have it after all. Anything is possible. With awareness, the wounds of the past need not define you.
May these interpretations be a guide. Allow understanding to unfold within you. Honour your individual wisdom from within over the coming week, as you open yourself to the message of the card that you have picked. Stay open and curious, and listen to the still, small voice from within that you can always rely upon. Trust Spirit!
Wow! Such beautiful, powerful messages!
No matter where we are on our life’s journey, Spirit, God, our Creator, the Universe is always with us, loves us dearly, and only wants the best for us. We are Divinely guided and protected.
Finding the treasure in the challenges... That's what I try to do and I can help you do it too.
I would be most honoured and happy to be of service to you.
I am Martina Cevero, oracle card reader, astrologer, certified Infinite Possibilities coach, and Founder and Creator of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home.
Welcome to my website! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.
Be sure to explore my website. It's easy to navigate, and to find, schedule, and pay for services with just the click of a button. You're also able to book a free consultation with me.
Happy exploring!
Mentioned in video/blog:
Oracle card readings:
Infinite Possibilities Coaching:
Book a Free Consultation:
Instagram: @martinacevero
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From my “Getting to Know Me” playlist:
Becoming the Real You
Meet My Treasure
Why Oracle Cards?
Letting Go
Finding Your True North the Journey Home
I’m Feeling Uncomfortable in My Own Body
Wisdom: It IS Safe for Me to Grow Up
Gratitude for the Challenges in My Life
Gratitude for People who have taught us life lessons
- Additional LINKS –
Astrologers I follow and share on Facebook and Instagram:
Adam Elenbaas’ Nightlight Astrology:
Alex Myles:
Alyonna Angelica:
Anne Ortelee’s Weekly Weather:
Astrology Answers:
Debra Silverman Astrology:
Kari Samuels:
Leah Whitehorse:
Planet News by Zoe:
Romy Wyser:
Tanaaz, Forever Conscious:
Tara Vogel’s Luminary Parenting:
Upbeat/inspiring music to raise our spirits:
Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake
This is Me – The Greatest Showman
See more on my “Upbeat and/or Inspiring Music” Playlist…
If you would like to support the work that I do, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you for your love, support, kindness, and generosity.
Sending you so much love. I send you more than enough. May you be blessed with everything you need and so much more.
Have a wonderful week ahead.