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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Energy Forecast for the Week of July 30, 2023: FLEXIBLE! (The Wisdom Within! #PickACard!)

Greetings, everyone! Welcome to our energy forecast for the week ahead

What empowering message do Spirit, our angels, guides and light workers want us to know for our highest good for the week ahead?

From Colette Baron-Reid’s Wisdom of the Oracle card deck, we are gifted with 19 - Flexible.

From the guide book…


Essential meanings: Teachability; openmindedness; being adaptable without compromising what's most important.


The Oracle's message: A tree's roots are solidly planted in the ground, yet its branches can bend in a hurricane...whereas a rigid structure, like a building, would come crashing down. Consider how the tree remains supple and secure when everything around it may be in shambles. This is how you need to be now; willing to learn new things, teachable, malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious, stay open. Stay aware. At this time, others will be more flexible with you, too.


Prosperity message: Even when you have a clear vision of how you're going to manifest something - what it will look like, who will share in it, and what will then be available to you - you still need to relax and open up to other possibilities. Spirit may have much better plans for you. It could be a job you hadn't thought of, a new source of money, or some other opportunity that eluded your imagination. Be flexible and remind yourself: This, or something better, manifests for me now. Then be willing to bend a little. Enjoy the miraculous results.



Flexible reminds us to be lighthearted. We have our own ideas and actions, but we also get to play with other people too. We collaborate with others. It's about having good boundaries and a common mission.


Flexible may also be about something happening that is unexpected, and to not let it be so serious that we feel sidetracked. It's to say, "That's interesting!" and be playful and curious. This is a time for flexibility and trust and adaptability, and how the Universe will shape what will come into being. One way or another, our dreams manifest in the material world. What is ours will not go past us.

Be teachable, open, flexible. Trust. Everything is as it should be. We are Divinely guided, protected and directed.


This empowering message was for anyone who happens to read or listen to it. Now, let’s make this more personal. I invite you to tune into your intuition. Let go of all worries and distractions, just for this short time. Hand on heart, breathe slowly and deeply, and take a look at these 3 cards. Which one is calling to you? Ask yourself, “What message, what wisdom, does Spirit have for me for the week ahead?”

I will describe each card at the end of our energy forecast.


Let’s take a look at what is happening in the Heavens in the week ahead. There is one big event, and we may already be feeling its energies.


August 1 – Super Full Moon in Aquarius


Our Moon (emotional body) enters Aquarius (fixed, Air sign) at 2:31 p.m. EDT. Aquarius is the visionary, the one who inspires us to think beyond what is immediately visible. It's a time of innovation and sharing future plans. It's an opportune time to journal and get in touch with insights that will help us direct our future. Personal freedom becomes very important to us. We flourish on intellectual causes and motivation, change, and unique or out of the ordinary experiences. What a great time to get involved and fight for a cause that's near and dear to our hearts!


The low road of Aquarius is aloof, defiant, eccentric, elitist, inflexible, insubordinate, obstinate, rebellious, uncaring. The high road of Aquarius is altruistic, collaborative, democratic, freedom-loving, humanitarian, innovative, liberal, revolutionary, selfless. Low road or high road, we always have the freedom to choose.


Our Aquarius Moon is opposite our Leo Sun. Can you feel the tension? Our Sun in Leo is very proud, and tends to prefer working independently. Though our Aquarius Moon is also independent, it calls us to celebrate our differences, our unity and oneness; to collaborate with others to find a better way of doing things for the benefit of all.


And this Full Moon is square Jupiter, suggesting some boundless, intensifying, magnifying energy connected to our understandings, realizations, insights, and Ah-ha moments. May we have the eyes to see and the heart to know the wisdom, guidance and inspiration that Spirit, God, our Creator, Source, our angels and guides have for us. Open. Allow. Receive. And give as gift.




Card #1 is from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Dream Weaver’s Oracle card deck.

5 - Let Your Dreams Be Woven True

Essential meaning: the card of the Dream Weavers, co-creation, partnership with divine powers, trusting your dreams will be in alignment with your soul’s destiny, surrendering your will to a Higher Power


Human beings often believe they create their world through the power of determination and will alone. Hard work and effort, striving, ambition, focus, imagination, and desire are all worthy components of reality creation, but they are not the only ones. To truly be an empowered co-creator and work your magic in the world, you need to remember you are in a partnership with your Higher Power. This is the metaphor of the Dream Weavers: It is a reminder that you are never alone. There are always divine forces at work on your behalf, listening to the stories in your mind and heart and reflecting them in the outer world.


There is another message here about the strands in the fabric of reality that are constantly being woven. While there are things you cannot change or control, there are also the threads you choose to weave into this fabric of life, based on the electric force within you. You dance between surrender and creation, fueled by your inspired dreams and intentions.


Now is not the time for pushing harder but for allowing things to organically take their course. Do your part, taking your steps but surrendering the rest to the Divine. Remember your job is to know your why and hold space for the energy of your dream. In weaving the sacred essence of your desire, the “how” of it will be revealed. Weave and let go, weave and release. Let your dreams be woven true and, like magic, things will seem to work out, even when you’re not concentrating on the pattern.



Card #2 is from Denise Linn’s Native Spirit oracle card deck.


Card Meaning: Wisdom is blossoming. Even if there are unsettling situations in your life, there’s a reason for it, and much good will occur as a result. Your ancestors are sending you incredible support to fulfill your dreams. Be aware of the coincidences, signs, and synchronicities around you; watch for messages from your forebears. No matter what’s occurring on the surface of your life, your prayers are being answered in mysterious ways beyond your awareness.


Your Native Spirit Wants You to Know: There’s wisdom that dwells deep within your cells that’s a spiritual bequest from your ancestors. This wisdom has come not only from your forebears’ joyous, carefree times; it has also bloomed from their failures, deflated dreams, and seemingly wrong turns in life. Part of their message to you is to cherish every experience, for all of it will deepen your wisdom, compassion, and understanding, as it did theirs. Also, know that there’s an innate wisdom within you … always. It’s simply a matter of turning within in order to access it. Native people always call on their ancestors for support – to ask for their help is to walk the native path. Sometimes you may be so focused on what’s outside you that you forget that wisdom is available to you from the spirit of your ancestors. Be willing to ask, for they want to support you.


The Journey: Imagine that you’re traveling back in time to communicate and connect with a gathering of your ancestors. On this meditation journey, there might be one or two particular forebears who seem to reach out to you. (At different times in your life, different predecessors will be sending you support.) Give thanks for their support. The more gratitude you have for their help, the more they send you blessings and guidance.



Card #3 is from Colette Baron-Reid’s The Spirit Animal Oracle card deck.

Buffalo Spirit

Essential meaning: The abundant universe will provide.


Oracle Message: Buffalo Spirit comes to you now to remind you of the amazing manifesting power of gratitude and the extraordinary potential available to you when you adopt a mind-set of abundance. The ancient people of the Americas saw the buffalo as a symbol of abundance because the herds roamed far and wide, and provided so many gifts—the meat, the hide, the bones. The tribes who hunted the buffalo used every bit of them, wasting nothing, appreciative of the abundance. So, too, do you have many gifts available to you. Buffalo Spirit appears to let you know that you are in a powerful time to manifest your desires—not by force or pushing but rather by following a natural path that rises up before you, trusting that there is always plenty to go around. Whether it be love, money, inspiration, or support, it’s all there for you to claim. When you are grateful, you immediately align yourself with the truth that the world is rich and teeming with resources. There is always more than enough, and you are always enough. At this time, you can expect all your intentions and needs to come into a form that is right for you. Your heartfelt gratitude is making you a magnet for miracles. Buffalo Spirit’s message is to remember that you co-create your reality in partnership with Spirit, so offer up your thanks and your prayers, even before you see conditions you desire—not just for yourself, but for others too—then you will quickly see the results in tangible ways. Gratitude has the magic to grow the good, so offer thanks and praise as you acknowledge all that you have and all that is possible.



May these interpretations be a guide. Allow understanding to unfold within you. Honour your individual wisdom from within over the coming week, as you open yourself to the message of the card that you have picked. Stay open and curious, and listen to the still, small voice from within that you can always rely upon. Trust Spirit!



Wow! Such beautiful, powerful messages!



No matter where we are on our life’s journey, Spirit/God/our Creator/the Universe is always with us, loves us dearly, and only wants the best for us. We are Divinely guided and protected.

Finding the treasure in the challenges... That's what I try to do and I can help you do it too.

I would be most honoured and happy to be of service to you.


I am Martina Cevero, oracle card reader, astrologer, certified Infinite Possibilities coach, and Founder and Creator of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home.

Welcome to my website! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

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Happy exploring!




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Oracle card readings:

Infinite Possibilities Coaching:

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From my “Getting to Know Me” playlist:


Becoming the Real You

Finding Your True North the Journey Home

I’m Feeling Uncomfortable in My Own Body

Wisdom: It IS Safe for Me to Grow Up

Gratitude for the Challenges in My Life

Gratitude for People who have taught us life lessons



- Additional LINKS –

Upbeat/inspiring music to raise our spirits:

Can’t Stop the Feeling by Justin Timberlake

This is Me – The Greatest Showman


See more on my “Upbeat and/or Inspiring Music” Playlist…



If you would like to support the work that I do, I would be deeply grateful. Thank you for your love, support, kindness, and generosity.

Sending you so much love. I send you more than enough. May you be blessed with everything you need and so much more.

Have a wonderful week ahead.


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