Happy New Moon in Aquarius and Lunar New Year!
Greetings, everyone! On February 1 at 12:46 a.m. EST we are blessed with a New Moon in humanitarian Aquarius and it also heralds the beginning of the lunar new year, where we move into the year of the Water Tiger. Aquarius is about hopes and dreams, friends and wishes, humanitarianism, and its ruling planet, Uranus, is about change, disruption, the unconventional and the unexpected.
Tanaaz says, "There is some volatile energy stirring under this New Moon due to strong influence from the planet Uranus. Know however, that while Uranus may shake things up, it does so in order to bring about an awakening. Change may be in the air on this New Moon, but this may be change we need in order to shift out of any heaviness or sticky energy we may find ourselves in. With Mercury going direct in a few days (Feb. 3), we may find once the dust settles that new inspiration and opportunities are on offer to us.
In Chinese astrology, the lunar new year represents the shift into a new zodiac sign. This year, we move into the year of the Water Tiger. The element of water indicates a need to go with the flow and to embrace any changes that may come our way. The element of water also supports following our intuition and making decisions from a place of heart-centered alignment. Rather than approaching life from a frantic state of mind, water energy allows us to sit back and take direction from the ebb and flow of the Universe. The Tiger energies will give us the courage needed to do this and will allow us to come from a place of confidence as we sit back and trust the subtler queues that life presents to us."
A time of new beginnings, this New Moon in Aquarius is a very powerful time to manifest our dreams for our future. Aquarius calls us to celebrate our differences, our unity and oneness. It calls us to find a better way of doing things for the benefit of all.
This is a time to look to the future with a brand new, positive, hopeful vision (in spite of whatever weather we may be experiencing). It's a time to extend a helping hand, and to develop more objectivity, detaching from past hurts and feelings that may be weighing us down.
We have the opportunity to make progressive changes in our lives, looking to our future with confidence and optimism. And the beauty is, with Mercury changing direction on Feb. 3, all planets are direct, meaning our pathway is clear. It will be time to go with the flow, to move forward, one step at a time. Dream big. Take action.
And so I asked Spirit, "What does this New Moon in Aquarius want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with this beautiful card from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of the Oracle" card deck...
47 - Go the Distance
How perfect for us at this time of the New Moon! Spirit is encouraging us, supporting us, reminding us that this is a time of new beginnings, a time to move forward, that we have everything that we need, that all is well, and that we're in this for the long haul, with Spirit, our angels and guides with us all the way. Our dreams take time to manifest and we can rest assured that we are never alone. We are always Divinely guided, protected and directed.
The numerology for this card is perfect too. 4+7=11
11 is a Master Number. 11 is the Illuminator.
11 is a highly intuitive vibration and is the number of insight and intuition. It's not a time for over-thinking - rather a time to let ourselves RECEIVE what comes to us from Spirit and our angels and guides. We can receive many beautiful Divine revelations if we allow ourselves the silence and stillness to pay attention. Inspiration is everywhere. We need to make sure to be present so we can receive it.
We can expect some new inspiration to come our way, especially since the New Moon is in Aquarius, the visionary, the one who inspires us to think beyond what is immediately visible, calling us to celebrate our differences, our unity and oneness and to find a better way of doing things for the benefit of all.
Do you need clarity or are you seeking Spirit's guidance or wisdom in some area of your life? Book a session with me. I would be most honoured and happy to serve you with a personal reading. For further details, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card and angel card readings (sale): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z
About Me: https://bit.ly/32mCtQH
Astrology Readings: https://bit.ly/2RuYOUu
Infinite Possibilities Training: https://bit.ly/35cE4uy