July 15 Chiron, the Planet of Healing, turns Retrograde! The search within!
(I know this is long, but trust me, it's worth the read. <G>)
On February 18, 2019, Chiron concluded its 8-year journey through Pisces and slid into fiery Aries. It will continue to be here until the year 2027.
Discovered in 1977, Chiron is classified as both a minor planet and a comet, and is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology. It has also come to be known as the Wounded Healer, but I prefer "The Planet of Healing", as astrologer Martin Lass calls it.
Astrologically Chiron shows where and how there have been woundings in our life. If we are willing, this awareness can lead to a turning point so that healing can take place in our life.
I love this Planet of Healing! With Chiron we learn that our greatest strength and healing comes from our greatest wound, if we have the courage to embrace our woundedness with love and compassion, with gentleness and self-care. Some are afraid of Chiron and working with it. I've come to know that there is always Treasure in the Challenges.
When Chiron is direct, we often search for healing from sources outside of ourselves. When Chiron goes retrograde, we turn within, where our answers lie. We do have everything we need. We discover that we are the ones that we have been waiting for. And we will have plenty of time to embrace our woundedness and discover the medicine/gift of Chiron, for it will be retrograde in Aries until December 19. Let us be gentle with ourselves.
Martin Lass describes Chiron in Aries...
"The Wound: A profound lack or loss of self-worth. A core feeling of worthlessness, unworthiness, and even undeservingness of life itself. Self-denial. A feeling of not being wanted, needed, or useful. A feeling of being uncentered, unfocussed, and/or lacking solidity.
The Search: The search for self, for identity.
The Gift: The discovery, acknowledgment, embracing, and loving of our special and unique divine design. The realization of the indestructibility of spirit, despite the transience of forms. The acknowledgment of the divine within us. The growth of presence and spiritual solidity; and the sharing of this by our mere presence, true self-love, and positive ego. The ability to remain firmly but gently in our own space, despite the opinions and actions of others."
For me, Chiron is in Aquarius in my 6th House, the House of Service and Health, and when I was born, Chiron was retrograde! The 6th House is ruled by Virgo and Mercury. I've been called to delve deeper and look at perhaps my deepest wound of all...that feeling of emptiness, of being incomplete, and searching for the More.
Martin Lass is an astrologer who is well known in the area of spiritual astrology and his specialty for the last 14+ years has been Chiron. He wrote a wonderful book, "Chiron - Healing Body and Soul", and in reading the book, I've discovered many things about myself.
Describing Chiron in Virgo, Martin writes...
"The Wound: A deep feeling of being incomplete, fragmented, scattered, disconnected, and/or impure. The feeling that something is ‘wrong’ with us, physically, emotional, mentally, and/or spiritually--something that needs ‘fixing’, changing, getting rid of, and/or healing. An inexplicable and nagging sense of dissatisfaction with the way things are.
The Search:
The search for wholeness, connection, and soul-satisfaction. The search for integrity, subtlety, purity, and exactitude. The need to ‘get it right’. The search for healing, taken in the broadest sense.
The Gift:
The unveiling of the divine plan--the perfection, balance, and harmony of life. The development of methods of integration, ‘wholing’, and healing. Learning to love things and people just as they are. Learning to love ourselves just as we are. The gift of gratitude for life and for our divine design. A deep sense of inner peace in the acknowledgment that ‘all’s right with the world’. Healing. Oneness. The return to love.
In addition, the ability to integrate masses of seemingly unconnected information/data into a coherent picture/creation. The development of the skills and arts required for our ultimate service: becoming co-creators. Creation requires the utmost attention to detail, the utmost focus, the utmost ability to juggle all the required pieces and, lastly, the sense of the overall plan and the acknowledgment of its loving source (spirit)."
Those who know me, know how true this is. This deep wound would express itself in my life when I was searching for love outside myself, feeling abandoned, like I didn't belong, feeling like I was an after-thought, that I was unloved or not deserving of love. There was always an emptiness, an ache that nothing could fill. Attracted to partners who could not fully commit to a relationship; tendency to sabotage relationships; to withdraw from love; to withdraw love. Conversely, trying to rescue others, taking care of them, soothing their pain, putting their needs first...going to great lengths to try to obtain the love of others.
I could not escape the wound. Nothing could fill the emptiness... not work, not involvement in charities, not entering a religious community, not food, relationships, staying up late, taking care of others, service work... nothing could fill it.
Emmanuel Dagher says, "We are often conditioned to put ourselves last, and by doing so we end up manifesting things like resentment, struggle, sadness, depression, exhaustion and more.
By making ourselves the top priority in our lives, we no longer look outside of ourselves to fill a void. We understand that the only reason why there was a void in the first place was because we weren't choosing to give to ourselves fully.
This is what it means to make ourselves a priority, to give to ourselves fully and freely in ways that nurture, heal and empower us to show up in the world from our most authentic and true self."
Sounds a bit selfish, doesn't it? But I've learned from the wisdom of flight attendants, I need to put my oxygen mask on first. If I don't take care of myself, I will be unable to take care of those who need me, to be of service to others.
I always had a reason why I didn't have the time or energy to look after myself...I had too much work to do; I was too tired at the end of the day; I didn't have the time; I had to take care of my husband; his needs came first; I had all the pets to look after. Well, now I have no more excuses as to why I continue to neglect/abandon myself. Putting it simply, I don't know how to and at times I don't want to nurture/take care of myself. There are those times when I want someone to take care of me. But I'm learning...a work in progress.
I believe that we are Divinely protected and Divinely directed. I also believe that when the student is ready the teacher appears. And I've been blessed with some wonderful people in my life who have helped to teach, guide and support me along the way.
I am learning that regardless of my history, I am NOT my story, and that it's never too late to tell a new one.
Chiron in Aries invites us to take a closer look and ask ourselves...
Where do I belong? Do I even need (or want!) to fit in? How can I maintain my individuality and be part of a group?
When we're in the stillness or the silence, what are the voices that come up in our head? What does our inner critic like to tell us?
When we acquaint ourselves with our not-so-kind or not-so-loving thoughts, we can overcome their power and then replace them with empowering affirmations.
So, "I'm not good enough" becomes "I am enough".
"I'm stupid. I should have known better," becomes "I tried my best. I'm always learning."
"I'm unlovable. No one will ever love me," becomes "I'm lovable and worthy of love."
The goal of Chiron in Aries is to love and embrace the chorus of voices that makes us who we are. We'll have plenty of time over the next 6 years to do just that.
Martin Lass says, "As we learn to love ourselves - the essence of all healing - we simultaneously become aware of the love around us that is and was always there." Yes! My past/my history, that was then. This is now. I'm older, wiser, and am beginning to learn how to nurture myself, discovering the treasure within, coming Home. I will not find the Love that I seek somewhere out "there". It's been here all along, right within my own heart. The longest journey and perhaps the most difficult we will ever make is from the head to the heart.
And so I asked Spirit, "What does Chiron Retrograde in Aries want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
41 - Communication
Are you clear and straightforward when you communicate with others? Do you have difficulty asking for what you need? This marker reminds you of many things related to how you speak to the world and how it speaks to you. It asks you to be clear and to seek clarity in all communications between yourself and others in your life.
Perhaps you need to call someone or write a letter? Do you need to connect with someone you haven't talked to in a while? Do you need to clarify something that remains cloudy between you and another? Drawing this marker indicates that it's timely to do so, for communication at this moment is highlighted in all areas of your life.
This card notes that communication is not just between human beings. Your spirit guides, angels, and other helpers on your path are always trying to get your attention. Are you open to their messages? Ask and you will know, look and you will see, listen and you will hear, sense and you will feel.
Communication is not just about talking at something or someone. In Avalon, the sacred wisdom was gained by developing receptivity and learning to listen.
from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of Avalon" oracle card deck
Ah! Perfect for Chiron Retrograde in Aries! The time is now. The Creator has gifted us with Chiron. We need to see ourselves as the Creator sees us, with eyes of compassion and love. We need to give ourselves permission to feel our pain, to come out of hiding, to be honest with ourselves and others, to speak the truth, to give voice to our woundedness, to embrace it and to love it to healing and to Life; to rewrite our stories; to bring our stories into the Light to be healed and to heal others. We need to pray with open hands, allowing the Creator to take away what we don't need and to gift us with what we do need. It's all in Divine timing.
That's the gift of healing that Chiron brings to us and that we in turn can bring to the world.
The Heavens are indeed telling the glory of God! (Psalm 19:1)
I pray that Spirit will strengthen you and bless you with Her power for your inner self to grow strong, rooted in love, faith, hope and trust.
If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card and angel card readings (sale): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z
About Me: https://bit.ly/32mCtQH
Astrology Readings: https://bit.ly/2RuYOUu
Infinite Possibilities Training:https://bit.ly/35cE4uy