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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Jupiter Retrograde Re-enters Aquarius

Jupiter Retrograde Re-enters Aquarius


July 28 at 8:42 a.m. EDT, Jupiter Retrograde returns to Aquarius and continues in retrograde motion until October 18 when it turns direct. Then Jupiter continues its journey through Aquarius until December 28, 2021 when it moves into Pisces.


Cafe Astrology says, "Jupiter in Aquarius expands our awareness of our place in the community and the needs of all. This transit encourages fairness, impartiality, individuality, and humanitarianism. We reap rewards through being more inclusive and just, and we’re opening our minds to progress. It’s in the world of ideas where we want to grow, improve, expand, and thrive, or it’s through our minds, beliefs, and ideas that we feel we can prosper. Generosity among friends and groups is a strong point of this Jupiter-in-Aquarius cycle."


And so I asked Spirit, "What does Jupiter Retrograde re-entering Aquarius want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

Green Tara - Supreme Protection


You are protected. Cords are being cut. Move beyond limitation. Trust.


Extended Message: * You are safe. Protection is all around you. The worst is behind you and you are ready to move beyond the challenges that were set out for you. Cords are being cut between you and your past so that you can feel energetically clear and aware. Don’t worry about recalling fearful experiences – they aren’t going to be recreated now. Just acknowledge them and leave them behind so you can step into a space of spiritual and personal freedom. Green Tara has placed a force-field of complete love and acceptance around you. She is here to tell you that you no longer need to build up walls around your heart, and that it’s safe to trust what you feel and who is in your life today.


About: Legend has it that Avalokitesvara, the personification of perfect compassion, was looking down on the Earth one day and cried tears when he witnessed all the suffering in the world. When the tears hit the Earth, a lotus formed, from which Tara, the goddess of compassion and light, was born. She has many forms based on different colours and we have chosen green in this oracle because she brings a light of protection and safety with her. Always compassionate and loving, she helps us move into a new state of being and doing. * from Kyle Gray's "Keepers of the Light" oracle card deck Artist: Lily Moses


And we had a jumper card...Mercury - Open Communication! Perfect because Mercury just entered Leo yesterday on July 27 at 9:11 p.m. EDT. and will be here until August 11.


Cafe Astrology says, "When Mercury is in Leo, our thinking is more confident and grand. The focus is now on the goal–and the more grand a goal the better! The details may not be quite as important now. We are more expressive, even theatrical and given to speech-giving and story-telling under this influence. We are also more convincing and persuasive, as we exude confidence when we speak or write. We may not listen as well as we normally do under Mercury in Leo."

Mercury - Open Communication


Get a weight off your chest. Speak up with love, and be heard.


Extended Message: * Open all levels of communication now. Important messages, information and insights are being shared. You may hear from an old friend or family member, or have an opportunity to finally understand a loved one you’ve not had an easy time with. You may be able to clarify situations where you feel you weren’t heard properly or were misunderstood. Get things off your chest in a loving way, so that you can clear all the roads to love in your life. Listen too – communication is a two-way street. Mercury is here now to allow you to hear clearly and be heard.


About: Mercury is the Roman god of messages and communication. In Greek mythology he is known as Hermes. He has often been depicted with wings on his feet, representing his capacity to be swift, and carrying a caduceus, the same healing wand that Archangel Raphael is known to carry. As well as overseeing communication, he oversees the planet Mercury. When this goes retrograde, which means it appears to go backwards when seen from the Earth, communication can be delayed or difficult. We can call on Mercury for help with loving, honest and open conversations, divination and any form of expressive art such as writing, poetry and journalism. He can also help us heal miscommunications that have caused distress. * from Kyle Gray's "Keepers of the Light" oracle card deck Artist: Lily Moses


Supreme Protection and Open Communication! Enjoy the energies!


If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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