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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius at 10:51 a.m. EST

January 30 - February 20, 2021


Mercury Retrograde happens three times a year and lasts about 3 weeks. Mercury Retrograde is when the planet Mercury slows down, and appears to stop (station) and move backward (retrograde). It's an optical illusion, since there is forward movement. It's like speeding by a slow-moving train—as it recedes, it appears to go backward.


It's usually a time when we slow down and go inward, a time to re-evaluate things in our life, to re-organize, to re-flect, to re-st, to re-new, to re-do, to re-prioritize, to re-lax.


While the Sun is about our personality; the Moon, our emotional body; Venus, our relationships and what we value, Mercury is about our mind and communication. Mercury can be such a trickster, particularly when it goes retrograde.


So, be mindful, reflect, and pay closer attention to those e-mails and posts before you send them. Don't be surprised if you have car trouble, delayed flights, changes in schedules, computer/internet problems, mail/cheques that don't arrive on time, detours... It's all part of Mercury Retrograde. Breathe. Relax. Go with the flow. That's part of the lessons of Mercury Retrograde.


It's also not usually a good time to sign any contracts or begin new things. What may look good now, may not look so good when Mercury goes direct. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't go ahead with things that need to be done during this time. If we need to, be sure to read the fine print...twice...or have someone else review the contract too before anything is finalized.


As annoying and frustrating as all these things can be, Mercury Retrograde offers us wisdom and blessings, inviting us to take extra care with our communications, taking the time to think things through and to choose our words carefully. Do we really need to fight that battle now? How important is it? When our plans do not go according to plan and we're feeling frustrated or angry, how will we choose to respond? Mercury Retrograde invites us to stop, breathe, count to 10 if necessary, repeat again if necessary, and respond with compassion, understanding and love. What appears to be an obstacle can indeed become a stepping stone.


Astrologer and author, Cal Garrison gives a refreshing perspective on Mercury Retrograde. She writes, "When Mercury enters its retrograde period, the linear functions of the Left Brain shut off. During the three week period where it appears to move backwards our plans fall subject to the whims of Murphy’s Law. ... People bitch and complain about these things without really understanding why their everyday lives are being turned upside down.

* If it seems as if God is just messing with our heads, that is not the case at all. You see, our so called ‘plans’ are all ego based ideas of what we think we need to be doing. We get these bright ideas and proceed to bring them to life: but what we forget is that there is always a huge gap between what our ego thinks is going on, and what our Higher Self needs us to be aiming at.

* During the retrograde Mercury period the left brain functions shut down and things appear to go awry, because during that three week interval, the Higher Self has to step in and create adjustments that redirect us onto pathways that are more in keeping with who we are, and that have something to do with our real purpose. In effect, retrograde Mercury is a regulating mechanism. The seemingly pain in the ass changes that occur make room for a whole other realm of possibilities to alter our course, and steer us in the right direction.


... do whatever it takes to stay centered in the intuitive, instinctive region of your Right Brain. It is from that place that the Higher Self guides all of us. Listen to it with all ears and let IT be your guide. If you succeed at this, the next few weeks, rather than being a string of unwelcome changes and stones in the road, could turn out to be more fun than a barrel of monkeys."


And so I asked Spirit, "What does Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Aquarius want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

6 of Air


Rite of passage, a necessary change in thinking to gain greater wisdom


However turbulent the waters at the moment, I trust that if I create calm within, my outer conditions will soon be calm too. I am conditioned to expect troubles ahead, but I have shifted my awareness and know that I can choose to believe that stepping into the unknown will bring me to what I truly desire. I am in a transition to something better.


from Colette Baron-Reid's "The Good Tarot" card deck


It's amazing how when the unexpected steps in to change our plans, no matter how turbulent the waters may be, we are often led in a direction that is much better than we could ever have imagined. Some call that Divine appropriate timing. I call them "God moments". We are always Divinely protected and Divinely directed. We just need to be open to receive. Mercury Retrograde invites us to do just day at a time.


Mercury Retrograde can help us find the treasure in the challenges. It's up to us to be willing, to slow down, stop, breathe, and ask, "What is Spirit trying to teach me? What do I need to learn? Is there something that I need to re-evaluate, re-prioritize?" It's a time to really listen to our heart and soul, and let Spirit be our guide.


Happy Mercury Retrograde! If you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings!


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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