Mercury Retrograde in Gemini!
May 29 at 6:34 p.m. EDT, Mercury enters retrograde until June 22, giving us a total of three major planets in retrograde (Pluto, Saturn, Mercury). This is definitely a time to slow down and go inward, a time to re-evaluate things in our life, to reorganize, to reflect, to rest, to renew, to re-do, to reprioritize, to relax.
While the Sun is about our personality; the Moon, our emotional body; Venus, our relationships and what we value, Mercury is about our mind and communication. Mercury can be such a trickster, particularly when it goes retrograde.
So, be mindful, reflect, and pay closer attention to those e-mails and posts before you send them. Don't be surprised if you have car trouble, delayed flights, changes in schedules, computer/internet problems, mail/cheques that don't arrive on time, detours... It's all part of Mercury Retrograde. Breathe. Relax. Go with the flow. That's part of the lessons of Mercury Retrograde.
It's also not usually a good time to sign any contracts or begin new things. What may look good now, may not look so good when Mercury goes direct. This doesn't mean that we shouldn't go ahead with things that need to be done during this time. If we need to, be sure to read the fine print...twice...or have someone else review the contract too before anything is finalized.
As annoying and frustrating as all these things can be, Mercury Retrograde offers us wisdom and blessings, inviting us to take extra care with our communications, taking the time to think things through and to choose our words carefully. Do we really need to fight that battle now? How important is it? When our plans do not go according to plan and we're feeling frustrated or angry, how will we choose to respond? Mercury Retrograde invites us to stop, breathe, count to 10 if necessary, repeat again if necessary, and respond with compassion, understanding and love. What appears to be an obstacle can indeed become a stepping stone, a real blessing. That obstacle just may be the thing that causes us to alter our course and guide us in the right direction.
And so I asked Spirit, "What does Mercury Retrograde in the sign of Gemini want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
2 - The High Priestess
discernment, prescience, prophecy, vision
Intuition, prescient sight, higher knowledge, receptivity, the ability to work with subtle energies of Spirit and the psychic power of the feminine - these are the aspects of the High Priestess of Avalon. When the High Priestess appears before you, she asks you to trust your intuition and to throw the net of your awareness out into the world around you, pulling in truths that may defy your intellect, rational mind, or what others wish to falsely or superficially portray.
Go beyond the ordinary, past the chaos of modern life, and trust your inner vision to guide you on your path. Pay attention to your dreams, and keep track of your intuitive hunches, for when the High Priestess appears, she asks you to look for the thread of truth in these places. Be discerning in all that you do at this time, for the High Priestess reminds you that not all is as it seems to be. However, don't take this world personally - rise above it and ask for a true vision to see the path ahead. You will be given this vision. All you need to do is ask the God/Goddess and be open to receiving it.
The High Priestess reminds you of the feminine principle of receptivity, gathering power by receiving information and waiting for others to act first. Allow the world to show you its intentions. The Goddess blesses and protects you when the High Priestess of Avalon appears on your path.
from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of Avalon" card deck
Yes! This is definitely a time to gather information, reflect, go slow, wait. It's a time of discernment. Have faith and trust, leaving the "hows" and the "when" in the very capable hands of the Creator, our Higher Power, God, Spirit, the Universe. Let go and let God! Go with the flow. Breathe! Rest, relax, listen to our heart and soul. Listen to our Higher Power, angels and spirit guides, and let them lead the way. We are always Divinely guided and Divinely protected. Happy Mercury Retrograde! Enjoy the energies!
If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Instagram: @martinacevero
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