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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius


Happy New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius on December 4 at 2:44 a.m. EST!


Solar eclipses reveal what's been right in front of us, but hidden from our view. This one is going to be powerful, and because it's in fiery Sagittarius, the sign of the endless optimist and freedom seeker, higher education, religion and philosophy and travel. The focus will be on faith, optimism, hope, belief systems, sharing our ideas, and our sense of adventure. We yearn for freedom and crave wisdom and truth.


It's a time to see the truth and make a new start. The real work is to embrace the truth that our heart wants us to know, to love it and make peace with it without shame or condemnation. Our shadow may hold the parts of ourselves that we don't like, but it also holds our wild, bold, fiery, powerful side, that part of us that wants to be set free. This is a crucial time to listen to our heart and soul and be open to the Love of the Divine.


This can be an impulsive and restless energy. We may feel more likely to check out greener pastures, attracted to new, daring, adventuresome, enterprising situations, wanting to escape our regular routines and responsibilities. Be careful, though, and remember to check out the essential details of any plans before embarking on any adventures.


Because the Moon is not reflecting light from the Sun, it is up to us to rely on our inner light to guide us. As we honour and accept our uniqueness, it's important that we allow ourselves the time and space to listen to our intuition, and learn to let go of the past. We need to sort out what works for us and what doesn't. These past few weeks have been a time to prepare us for this New Moon, when something new is born once again.


And so I asked Spirit, "What does this New Moon Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...


Angels of romance are swirling around your life at this time, ushering in positive, uplifting, and heartfelt experiences to remind you that love is real. Allowing yourself to be romanced, to receive and experience a true connection, is important at this time. It is likely that your heart space is opening up and any barriers or shields that have been in place are falling away. If you find yourself scared or uptight about romance, know that this is not only a sign that you would like to experience it, but also that it is something that your energy system really needs. Your angels are guiding you to begin seeing yourself as loving and deserving of love. Know that you have so much goodness and light to offer others and the world. You are also being encouraged to know that the world wants to see you, to know you, and to understand your heart. All of this is only possible with your permission. Why not give it now? * EXTENDED MESSAGE *

The energy of romance is increasing in your life at this time. If you are already in a relationship, this could mean that you have an opportunity to connect more deeply and share intimacy and love. If your relationship hasn’t been the main focus or priority of your heart for a while, your angels are encouraging you to make time for it. If you have a new relationship unfolding, or there’s the potential for a new relationship to unfold, angels will help you move forward with it now. Call on divine love from the universe, invite it to open up your heart, and then be willing to receive interest and love from others. * Whatever the reason for this card appearing, this is a time to enjoy and be enjoyed—in a loving way.


from Kyle Gray's "The Angel Guide Oracle" card deck *


Now this is an interesting card! "Your angels are guiding you to begin seeing yourself as loving and deserving of love. Know that you have so much goodness and light to offer others and the world. You are also being encouraged to know that the world wants to see you, to know you, and to understand your heart. All of this is only possible with your permission. Why not give it now?" Indeed. We are ONE with all creation and we are so so loved. And this New Moon Total Eclipse in Sagittarius is reminding us that we are Love, that we are Lovable, and that we are called to BE LOVE...seeing ourselves and others through the eyes of Love. *

Sagittarius, the freedom seeker invites us to listen to our intuition, think broadly, and see the big picture, encouraging us to seek the More, to boldly go where we have not gone before...both physically and spiritually.


BE the change we wish to see in our world! Deep within us, we have the Light, the Love, the Compassion, the Power that creates worlds, the power to create, to dream, to manifest, to love, to be peace and joy, to forgive, to restore, to heal ...

Feel it! Be it! Embrace it. Believe. Have faith. Open. Allow. Receive.

Then, give it as gift... to ourselves and to others.

It's time to let our authentic light shine for all to see.


The energies of this eclipse will be with us over the next 6 months. We are being gifted with the opportunity to make important changes in our lives.

It's important to listen to our heart, to let Spirit guide and direct us. What are we being called to let go of? What are we being nudged to do? May this eclipse season bring us abundant blessings, the courage to act, to love deeply, to be open to receive, and to give generously. Enjoy the energies!



If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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