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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Our Aquarius Sun squares Uranus

January 26, our Aquarius Sun (revolutionary, humanitarian) squares Uranus (the Rebel)! This will definitely be interesting.


Cafe Astrology says, "The Sun forms a square to Uranus today, and changes made now may feel out of character or abrupt. Disrupted routines and plans are likely, and while they can be unsettling at first, they can also stimulate the adoption of new approaches. Our strong desire for independence or to break the rules could impair our judgment.


Even so, if we’re willing to learn from our mistakes, we might adopt a more careful approach to making necessary changes. We should watch for being irresponsible in our rebellions and guard against temperamental behavior and decision-making. Disruptions can pull up buried frustrations, which we should probably examine more closely. It can be a time to learn something new about ourselves."


And so I asked Spirit, "What does our Aquarius Sun square Uranus want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

15 - Temptation - Attachment


The material world is my playground, but I need to be careful not to be attached to outcomes. This is a warning to me to watch for excess and to know what's not healthy for me. When this card shows up, it's a sign that I am focused on the material realm and need to be aware of any excess or addictive behavior: my own or that of others.


from Colette Baron-Reid's "The Good Tarot" card deck


That's interesting. And we've been given that card before...Jan. 12, for our New Moon in Capricorn! At that time, we were being given the opportunity to create some serious change in our lives, to let go of what was no longer serving us. With the tenacity, resourcefulness, discipline, and wisdom of Capricorn, it was a time to make some solid plans and to set the stage for the transformative Plutonic energies of rebirth, reaping the rewards from our new beginnings.


How are we doing with that?


So now our Aquarius Sun squaring Uranus are reminding us of this.


Looking at the card...bite out of the apple in the shape of a heart... sleeping fairy...treasure chest of gold coins... The story of Adam and Eve, a story of separation, of losing sight of Spirit.


Where are we on our journey? Have we lost sight of Spirit? Have we become too attached to the desire of the outcome, wanting what we want so badly, or are we attached to what we have already manifested? We need to be mindful of our attachments, of our need for numbing, of our desire to disappear from our life.


This is a call to wake up. We're being called to come out of denial, embrace the truth, surrender to what is, let go of what is no longer serving us.


It's time to tell a new story, to return to the Garden. It's an invitation to reconnect with our Higher Power (in case we need to be reminded of that <G>). It's a time of re-union. Connection to ourself is first and foremost. The relationship with ourselves and our Higher Power is paramount, especially at this time. We are not alone! All the answers we need are within ourselves. It's time to listen to our heart and soul. It's time to take care of ourselves, to embrace and nurture the child within. We are precious and adored and loved beyond measure.


Do you! Be your authentic self, not what others expect you to be. That's where your true treasure lies. Re-member. Re-connect. Re-unite. You are a child of the Divine.


If you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below.

Wishing you and yours abundant blessings!


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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