Our Aries Moon: Show the world the real you!
June 4, our Moon is in Aries all day and will continue to be here until it enters Taurus on June 6 at 1:47 a.m. EDT.
Cafe Astrology says, "The Moon spends the day in bold Aries. With the Moon in Aries all day and harmonizing with the Sun in Gemini, we can be sharp, on the ball, and enthusiastic. We’re sociable but can go it alone as well. The Moon also harmonizes with Saturn, serving to gently and pleasantly fuel our ambitions.
The Aries Moon can feel like a fresh start on an emotional level, and a Mars-Jupiter transit occurring today reinforces this theme."
Our Aries Moon is in the waning crescent phase, at time when the Moon's illumination is growing smaller each day until the New Moon on June 10. Though our Moon is now in active fiery Aries, the initiator who wants to move forward and get things done, as our Moon retreats into almost total darkness, it brings with it an urgency to complete unfinished business. It's a time to go inward, to prepare for the new. It's about releasing and being receptive, about letting go of the past and the things that are no longer serving us, and turning towards the future, being ready to welcome the gifts that it will bring. It's a time of transition, release, transformation, renewal, death and resurrection.
The low road of Aries Moon: we may be more impulsive, stubborn and bossy. The high road of Aries Moon: we may be more energetic, optimistic, open to change, and adventurous. The choice is ours.
We may find ourselves becoming impatient or easily angered if we feel others are interfering or blocking what we want to get done. This would be a good time to slow down, breathe deeply, take a step back and become the Observer. Listen to others. Take the time to seek more information, understand their position, and collaborate, solving any problems through compromise and diplomacy, putting aside our own emotions in order to achieve peace and reconciliation.
And so I asked Spirit, along with the help of Archangels Haniel and Gabriel, who are associated with the Moon, "What does our Aries Moon want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
Full Moon in Aquarius - Show the world the real you
This card brings the message from the cosmos that you need to detach a little from whatever situation you're asking about. Someone might be keeping you at arm's length now but it's no bad thing. It's important for you to allow life to unfold and progress, even if change seems like a frightening prospect. If you've been holding yourself back from showing the world the real you, this card reminds you that your unique characteristics are what make you special. In a relationship, are you being too aloof or detached? Go ahead and be yourself in whatever is coming up for you.
Attune to the Moon: Be aware of your feelings but also be prepared to move on.
Additional meanings for this card:
Don't lose the beauty and romance of life.
You are too much in your head - get into your heart!
A friend needs you - be there for them.
A situation is going to take a very unexpected turn.
The teaching: Every Full Moon is a time to release and let go, but the addition of Aquarian energy to the mix triples that message. Aquarius is the opposite of clingy, and pulling this card at any time suggests either you need to let go or someone is thinking they are the ones who need to let go - perhaps of you. What needs to go? What is the right thing to do? Whatever happens next could be highly unconventional or unexpected.
from Yasmin Boland's "Moonology" oracle card deck
I'm told that with this deck, we can be sure that whichever card is drawn, no matter which phase the Moon is in on that day, it's the right card for us. The interpretation of the card that we're given is still the answer we need to hear. These cards are purely symbolic representations of the many energies that we get from our ever-changing Moon.
I don't know about you, but this card is right on for me at this time. As we prepare for the New Moon/Solar Eclipse in Gemini on June 10, let us slow down, go inward, and prepare for the new. With Mars and Jupiter in Water signs, we may find ourselves focusing on our relationships and inner worlds. Rest assured that we are not alone on our journey. We are loved and supported, guided, directed and protected by the Giver and Source of all Life and Love. Trust God. Trust Spirit.
If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below or in my bio on Instagram. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card and angel card readings (sale): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z
About Me: https://bit.ly/32mCtQH
Astrology Readings: https://bit.ly/2RuYOUu
Infinite Possibilities Training: https://bit.ly/35cE4uy