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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

Our Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon: An invitation to see our blessings with the "eyes of God"

Our Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon: An invitation to see our blessings with the "eyes of God"


Our sensuous, receptive Moon is in its natural home of romantic, intuitive Cancer. This sign brings out the best qualities of Moon - fidelity, patience and understanding.


With our Moon in Cancer, we may be feeling particularly sensitive, receptive, even moody, and simply wanting to stay home and nest. We may also feel protective of those closest to us, and protective of ourselves, feeling conflicted with wanting to mother and be mothered. Just be cautious of smothering.


And it's just over a week since we have come through Valentine's Day, a time to celebrate love. Many of us may be in loving relationships and it was a wonderful day to celebrate that. For many, it was a difficult day, heightening difficult relationships that we may be in, remembering the loss of loved ones whether they be in the real world or the spirit world. And how many of us have even considered how we take care of and love ourselves? How's that going for us?


If painful memories or thoughts are arising, don't push them aside or try to bury them. Honour them and feel those feelings. And if tears come, let them flow. That's when healing happens and we can release those feelings with love and gratitude for the lessons learned and let them go. Let the watery signs of Cancer (Moon) and Pisces (Sun) do their work. Don't be afraid to find the treasure in the challenges.


And so I asked Spirit, "What does our Pisces Sun and Cancer Moon want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

4 of Water


Guidewords: Failing to recognize a magical opportunity. Missing the point. The distractions of daily life. Discontentment or boredom. Lost in your own world. Wake up!


It's easy to become distracted by life. Your to-do list just keeps growing, and the mind has a tendency to focus on the challenges you're experiencing rather than the reasons to be grateful. Unfortunately, it's those very distractions that can keep you from noticing blessings and opportunities even when they're right in front of your face!


This card asks you to "wake up"! Pay attention to what's going on around you. Look for the magical messages coming your way, and be ready to take full advantage of the blessings being offered to you.


Additional meanings of this card: Discontentment. Re-evaluating your situation. Taking someone or something for granted. Daydreaming. A lack of motivation. Lost in your own world. Not caring what happens. Boredom.


Wisdom card: It isn't always easy to see the blessings the Universe is offering you. Archangel Chamuel, "the eyes of God," can help provide you with an Awakening (XII) to make everything clear. Known as the Hang Man in traditional tarot, Awakening is about: A temporary pause for reflection and insight. An awakening where you see things in a whole new light. Embrace your own uniqueness. Charitable actions.


from Radleigh Valentine's "Angel Wisdom Tarot" card deck


Today is a day to embrace all of our feelings, even those we may struggle with. May we have the eyes to see the treasures in our challenges, and the heart to know that we are deeply loved and treasured, and that everything is as it should be. Dear Archangel Chamuel, help us to see clearly the signs that are being put in front of us. May the revelations that come, help us to find a stronger personal peace about our lives and about our world, a peace that will lead us to joy. And so it is.


If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, click on the link below. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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