Sun conjunct Venus in Aries
Tanaaz says, "Venus aligns with the Sun on March 25-26, which is a pivotal point on her cycle and is known as Venus Cazimi. It is at this stage that Venus will transition from a morning star to an evening star. It will take some time, but eventually we will be able to see Venus shining brightly as a star in our night sky.
Evening star Venus carries a different energy to Morning Star Venus. Evening Star Venus is about learning to love ourselves and work with the lessons and gifts of our shadow.
Morning Star Venus is about shining our love on to the world and expressing our love to our nearest and dearest."
And so I asked Spirit, "What does this Sun conjunct Venus in Aries want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
2 of Fire
Guidewords: Taking the next steps. Bold and ambitious choices. Partnering with others who share your dreams. Expanding your plans. Continue to move forward.
All of your hard work is really starting to show rewards! In fact, it's time to expand your efforts and take things to the next level. This is more about the short-term future. (The long-term concerns will show themselves soon enough.) You've taken a few chances, with great success, and you should continue to do so. Take a close look at what's worked for you in the past, and keep those lessons in mind. Dream big!
It's also possible that expansion for you means either hiring people, entering into a partnership with someone else, or taking courses in whatever you're working on. Remember, this doesn't have to be business. Anything you're passionate about could be indicated by this card.
Additional meanings of this card: Excellent foresight. Excitement about the future. Joint creative endeavors. Contracts or business agreements. Success through hard work. Controlled progress. Gay relationships or friendships.
Wisdom card: The message of Balance (XIV) reminds us of the power that comes from the combined efforts of people from different backgrounds. Archangel Zadkiel can help you blend ideas with dazzling results.
About Archangel Zadkiel: Archangel Zadkiel, "the righteousness of God". While Raziel is like a spiritual mentor, Zadkiel is the educational tutor of the archangel realm. Think of him as a memory aid - a kind of angelic ginkgo biloba! If your concern is taking tests, passing your exams in school, learning something new, or just remembering things in general, call upon Zadkiel, who is associated with deep, indigo blue. He can also help you with forgiveness of self and others.
from Radleigh Valentine's "Angel Wisdom Tarot" card deck
The transformation of Venus from a morning star to an evening star. It takes time. Just as our personal transformation takes time. Dream big! Trust in Divine timing. "This could be a good time for finding your own personal balance. "Go for quiet walks, talk to your angels, and release whatever anxieties are currently challenging you. Be open to "Aha" moments and epiphanies from the Divine." (XIV)
If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Instagram: @martinacevero
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