Taurus Sun, Virgo Moon, Venus, Uranus, Mars, Mercury, Scorpio Moon: Major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar.
On April 22, our Sun is in Taurus, our Moon moved into Virgo, and Venus moved into a conjunction with Uranus. About Venus/Uranus Romy Wyzer says, "There are thrills and some lightning bolt reactions. You may just stumble into something quite unexpected that you genuinely didn’t see coming. Trust in the process of transformation as it helps to reset some outdated values.
Uranus brings evolutionary change and as it holds talks with Venus whilst they’re both in Taurus we’re looking at revolutionising our relationship to the material world. We’ll be challenged to observe and release our money stories, focus on a change in what we value and how we’re honouring it against the backdrop of energies that will be set on uprooting things, watching them become undone might feel uncomfortable but ultimately we can move forward in a better, healthier way because of the growth.
It’s a time when it’s better to welcome and embrace the changes, even as they shake our comfort zone and stability, so we can allow for our spiritual revolution to take us to new vibrational set points and align us to updated and relevant priorities from these experiences. Expect the unexpected "
This conjunction will last for awhile and in the meantime the heavenly energies begin to heat up more when Mars enters Cancer on April 23; April 24 sees Mercury conjunct Uranus; and on April 25, Mercury and Venus square Saturn, and Mercury conjunct Venus. All just in time for the Full Moon in Scorpio on April 26 at 11:31 p.m. EDT.
And so I asked Spirit, along with the help of Archangels Haniel and Gabriel, who are associated with the Moon, "Under the light of this Virgo Moon and the powerful energies of the Heavens, what do we need to know right now for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
Kali-Ma - Facing Fear
Major spiritual changes are unfolding. This is your chance to soar. *
This is a time when you are able to look fear in the eye and move away from it. Fear is just energy, and energy can be changed. This can be an intense experience because the human self is so conditioned that it may be used to operating with fear present. When the fear is gone, it may feel as though an emptiness is there, but this is space for love and miracles to enter. You are being filled with courage of spirit now so that you can move from this phase of your life to the next. Trust the process and call on Kali-Ma to help you release your fear and step into a space that's strong, focused and courageous.
About: Kali-Ma is the Hindu goddess of death and rebirth. She brings old cycles to an end so we can experience transformation. She is a strong, fierce, fiery and powerful image of the divine feminine. Many have been intimidated by her, but she is a mother energy and therefore completely loving - she's like a fierce mother protecting her child from harm. She has a dark energy like the night sky, but it consumes fear and leaves only love. She is the twin flame of the god Shiva and has even been known to slay his ego so that he can reveal his true loving self. * from Kyle Gray's "Keepers of the Light" oracle card deck Artist: Lily Moses
Oh my! We can't make this stuff up. Thank you, Spirit! The perfect card for the time that we're in. Change. Rebellion. Revolution. Death. Rebirth. Transformation. Uranus invites us to fall in love with ourselves. We'll find beauty in the shadow. Named for the god of Heaven, husband of Gaia the Earth, thus Uranus has a strong love for us, the Earth, holding up a mirror in which beauty and perfection are reflected, showing us what we can be, the best in us. We are perfect, just as we are, including our shadow. And Kali-Ma, the fierce, protective mother that she is, walks with us to help us release our fears and step into our courage, strength and hope. As Romy says, "It’s a time when it’s better to welcome and embrace the changes, even as they shake our comfort zone and stability, so we can allow for our spiritual revolution...Expect the unexpected."
If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card and angel card readings (sale): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z
About Me: https://bit.ly/32mCtQH
Astrology Readings: https://bit.ly/2RuYOUu
Infinite Possibilities Training: https://bit.ly/35cE4uy