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Writer's pictureMartina Cevero

The Blessings of Our Leo Moon in its First Quarter Phase

The Blessings of Our Leo Moon in its First Quarter Phase


April 20, Cafe Astrology says, "The Moon enters Leo at 2:11 AM EDT, and early today, the First Quarter Moon occurs with the Taurus Sun in a square aspect to the Leo Moon. ... Venus forms a semi-square with Neptune this morning, and we may gloss over problems or see what we want to see, imagining the best or the worst. Of course, the truth is somewhere in between. ... With Jupiter semi-sextile Pluto, we may not fully engage with our intuition or instincts, and judgment may be a little off temporarily. We might do battle with our ideals and morals."


Our Moon is in proud, dramatic, creative, centre of attention Leo today. It's a warm, generous, loving, playful position. The pride of the Lion can keep us from pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and sharing how we truly feel. It's a time when we seek attention, wanting to stand out for our special gifts and talents. It's a great time to engage in creative activities, working and playing with our children, expressing our generosity, and taking risks. Be bold! Be proud!


Our Leo Moon is in its first quarter phase, a waxing moon where the light is half full. This is an adjustment period, often known as "Crisis in Action". Whatever intentions we planted during the New Moon will now begin to grow and bear fruit, and we may find ourselves dealing with challenges or challenging people. *

It’s a time to re-examine our goals and ideals, and to see what’s working and what isn’t. How are the intentions that we set at our New Moon on April 11 working out for us? Are there things that we need to tweak or change in order to reach our goals? *

And so I asked Spirit, along with the help of Archangels Haniel and Gabriel, who are associated with the Moon, "Under the light of this Leo Moon and the powerful energies of the Heavens, what do we need to know right now for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

16 - Tower - Surprises


Things happen really fast when this card shows up in a reading. Its appearance could portend a total paradigm shift or a sudden upheaval that takes something away in order for something better to take its place. It could be that I've had an epiphany. Whatever it is, this card tells me unexpected events will be very interesting and offer opportunities for positive transformation if I remain present with my eyes open.


from Colette Baron-Reid's "The Good Tarot" card deck


May we have the eyes to see and the heart to know! With our Leo Moon in its first quarter phase, it’s a time to have courage, to push through tough situations, to embrace any necessary changes. This can be a time of transformation, a wonderful time to discover the treasure in the challenges. May we listen to our heart and soul, let Spirit be our guide, and embrace the courage of Leo the lion!


If I can ever be of any assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below. Wishing you and yours abundant blessings.


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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