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The Wisdom, Magic and Blessings of Frog

Writer's picture: Martina CeveroMartina Cevero

Wow! This is a huge day! January 20, our Sun is in Aquarius (humanitarian, revolutionary); our Aries Moon is void of course until 1:57 p.m. EST when it moves into Taurus; Mars (warrior, authenticity, freedom) conjunct Uranus (revolution, liberation, individuation) in Taurus squares Jupiter in Aquarius (search for freedom, real value of individuality, call to "we" instead of "me"), and is conjunct Black Moon Lilith. And all during the Presidential Inauguration of Joseph R. Biden Jr., with ceremonies beginning at 11:30 a.m. EST.


For those not familiar with Black Moon Lilith, Astro Butterfly says, "Black Moon Lilith is the “Dark side of the Moon” - a symbol for the raw, uncontrolled, and creative feminine energy that cannot be silenced, and doesn’t submit to anyone or anything. According to the myth, Lilith was so powerful that not even God could tell her what to do. She only did what SHE wanted to do."


She goes on to say, "When we bring together these archetypal energies, we know we’re up for something BIG. Whatever happens, it is driven by some sort of deeper truth that even if it doesn't make much sense for us just yet - it will eventually, when the storm is over. Of course, like with any transit, we can channel this raw, explosive energy into something constructive. The higher manifestation of Mars conjunct Uranus is taking meaningful action based on your true values and principles. Mars will give you the drive, and Uranus will inspire you, and as a result, you can achieve things that you would have otherwise, never thought possible."


And so I asked Spirit, "With all of these powerful energies going on in the heavens at the time of this momentous event in the United States, what does Spirit want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...

14 - The Frog


cleaning house, releasing emotional baggage


The Frog says that it's time to clean house and get rid of the clutter in your environment, your head, and your heart. Move out any objects, thoughts, or relationships that hold you back. It's time to get rid of anything that clutters your life or your space with unwanted burdensome energy, or anything that weighs heavily on your heart.


Look around you and take stock of what surrounds you. Does what you see hold positive and supportive energy? If not, it's time to throw it away and release it so that it, in turn, will release you from its influence. When the Frog appears, it's always spring and time for cleaning your house so you can allow new and fresh energy to enter your world.


from Colette Baron-Reid's "Wisdom of Avalon" card deck


Wow! You can't make this stuff up! Wisdom on both a personal and collective level.


And Frog has so much to teach us! Presley Love of "Universe of Symbolism" says...


"Frog as a symbol of transformation...

Like the Butterfly, Frog symbolism also represents transformation on many levels.

Frog spirit animal also has many lives, as he begins as a tadpole and slowly transforms into the Frog that can live in two worlds, in the water and on land. Frog is amphibious - he moves from land to water.


Frog Totem...The Meaning and Essence of Spiritual Cleansing...

Frog power animal teaches the art of cleansing and its powers to renew mind, body and spirit.

Frog is always going in and out of water. He is continually cleansing himself, releasing old energies and absorbing new energies.

After understanding the need for ritual cleansing, Frog begins the lessons of alchemy...lessons of understanding how cleansing invokes, transforms and manifests the energies of abundance and prosperity...and why. That's the deeper lesson.

Frog totem animal is a wise teacher. His lessons can take years to learn but Frog is also a patient teacher and will help you through the process. You are awakening.

Cleansing is the catalyst for change that washes away the blocks of abundance that opens the doors to prosperity. This is the magic of Frog.


Frog symbolism represents awakening your beautiful authentic truth...

Now that you are awakening, Frog spirit animal teaches the most mystical and divine lesson: that the real value is the value of what is within. You have been brought up in a world that does not yet understand or embrace these spiritual truths, but you are getting a glimpse of this from your innermost eternal self, and you want to know more. You are yearning to know and become the innermost being that you know you are, connected to something deep and a life on purpose, living a life filled with purpose, a life where you are tapped into your true power, living your own beautiful authentic truth.


Spiritual meaning of Frog symbolism: It is in this truth that you feel eternal, and in moments of peace and meditation, indeed you touch eternity.


Frog brings the blessings of prosperity.

Frog meaning symbolizes deep truth and eternal beauty within."



May we embrace the blessings of these powerful energies and the wisdom of Frog, the wise teacher, taking the high road, leading us to transformation, wisdom, abundance, prosperity, deep truth, authenticity and the eternal beauty that we may never have dreamed was possible...for ourselves and for our world.


If you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below.

Wishing you and yours abundant blessings!


Much love,

Martina Cevero


Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home

- oracle card reader

- astrologer

- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer


Instagram: @martinacevero

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