On December 31, our Moon moves into fiery Leo and helps us welcome in the new year. We may find ourselves seeking action, attention and results. The high road of Leo, we are more exuberant, creative, open-minded, generous, loving, playful, colourful and fun-loving. The low road of Leo, we may be more self-indulgent, self-centered, overbearing and bullying. The choice is ours.
The pride of the Lion can keep us from unkindness and pettiness, but it can also prevent us from opening up and sharing how we truly feel. Leo likes to remind us that with love, all things are possible.
And so I asked Spirit, "As we move into this new year, what does our Leo Moon want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
18 - Moon - Illusion
I may not see the working of Spirit in the invisible realms, but I know there is great activity "behind the scenes." It's important to trust the mystery and remember that the material realm is an illusion. Current conditions are not necessarily a reflection of the truth of what's really going on in the present. Great opportunities lie in the shadows, awaiting the perfect time for illumination.
from Colette Baron-Reid's "The Good Tarot" card deck
All in Divine timing!
Wishing you and yours abundant blessings!
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card readings (on sale now): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z