Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! Our Sun is in Aquarius. Our Moon moves into fiery, impulsive, action-oriented Aries. Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, and Venus forms a trine to the North Node of the Moon. Aries is the initiator, the go-getter. Combined with the assertive, independent energy of Aquarius, this is a great time to get moving, create change, be physical, stand up for what we're passionate about.
The low road of Aries Moon: we may be more impulsive, stubborn and bossy. The high road of Aries Moon: we may be more energetic, optimistic, open to change, and adventurous. The choice is always ours.
And so I asked Spirit, "What does our fiery Aries Moon want us to know for our highest good?" and was gifted with...
V: Wise Counselor
Guidewords: Unity with a spiritually minded community. Ask the Divine for help and trust the answers will come. Compare traditional methods with new ideas to see which is best for you.
No matter which spiritual language you choose, Archangel Sandalphon will act as your liaison to Source. His desire is to see that your prayers are heard and answered.
While, in this deck, you have a kind and compassionate Emperor, that's not always the case with people in charge. Structure and discipline can turn into tyranny in the wrong hands. There's a need for spiritual teachers and leaders to provide a moral compass. The Wise Counselor card is about the belief systems that guide you on your path, bringing courage, self-respect, and peace. It's your connection with the Divine.
The Wise Counselor is also a duality card because it can reflect a need to adopt a traditional approach, or it might ask that you toss tradition out the window and go your own way. Which aspect of the card is recommended depends on the other cards in the reading and your Divine guidance and intuition.
The Wise Counselor also reflects being in a community of like-minded people who support one another, and locating a spiritual mentor or guide who can help you find your way.
Additional meanings of this card: Doing the right thing for the right reason. Remaining true to your principles. Respecting your elders or the lessons of the past. The power of prayer. The search for meaning in life. Schools or spiritual institutions.
About the card: Known in traditional tarot as Hierophant, Radleigh has called it Wise Counselor. On the card, you'll see the prayers of a lot of the world's major religions and belief systems, and Archangel Sandalphon, the Wise Counselor, is delivering those prayers to heaven.
About Archangel Sandalphon: Is this you: "I never feel like my prayers get answered; I pray and pray and ask for my angels' help but never seem to get any response"? If that resonates for you then let me introduce you to your new best friend. Archangel Sandalphon is said to be so tall that his feet are on Earth and his head is in Heaven. Sandalphon is the postmaster of the archangels! When you feel as though your prayers aren't being heard or are being left unanswered, you can call upon him to personally carry prayers to God. Ask him for help seeing, hearing or knowing what the answers to your prayers are. He's also the archangel associated with music...so, musicians, take heed! Sandalphon means "brother together," and he appears turquoise in color.
from Radleigh Valentine's "Angel Wisdom Tarot" card deck
Perfect for our fiery, impulsive Aries Moon! Wise Counselor/Archangel Sandalphon encourages us to turn to the Divine, ask for help, and trust that the answers will come. We are always Divinely guided and protected.
If I can ever be of assistance and you would like a personal reading, please click on the link below.
Wishing you and yours abundant blessings and the happiest of Valentine's Days!
Much love,
Martina Cevero
Founder of Finding Treasure: The Journey Home
- oracle card reader
- astrologer
- certified Infinite Possibilities trainer and trailblazer
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3lurRqM
Website: www.martinacevero.com
Instagram: @martinacevero
Oracle card readings (sale): https://bit.ly/2Qbwx4Z
About Me: https://bit.ly/32mCtQH
Astrology Readings: https://bit.ly/2RuYOUu
Infinite Possibilities Training: https://bit.ly/35cE4uy